
6 months, 21 days ago


- Kirin, resurrected undead.
- Non-binary, they/them
- Earth + demonic + death (unique) elemental


In their life before this one, they were an earth and demonic Kirin. Their mother harboured the demonic element without knowing, the trait being dormant for generations, until they were born. Their blood-red eyes hinted to this secret, coupled with their violent tendencies, a direct link to this hated element. 

An unknown creature that lurks amongst the shadows. With the power of Soufe, they were resurrected, and obtained a unique element. Death. In life, they were hunted down due to their partial demonic element, putting a target on their back wherever they went. Eventually they were caught and executed for the crime of being born, and the desperate actions they took to keep alive until now. After their corpse had grown cold, their body was taken by [redacted] and they were brought back to the world of the living with a new name. Solitude. Their mortal body struggled to contain the power of the divine, and so morphed into something uncategorised. 

This happened many years ago, and since then they grew bored of their seclusive lifestyle. This ‘gift’ of life turned out to be more of a curse as they would not grow old or die. Injuries seemed to heal overnight and no amount of blood loss or pain would allow their soul to leave the mortal flesh. As such, rumours spread of the mysterious monster of the skeletal trees, the creature that resembled dying forests and corruption.

At every hint of the group who had resurrected them, Solitude would leave in search to hunt them down and punish them for the freak of nature they had made them into. After a search that took several months to conclude to nothing, they returned to find a young dragon had taken up residence in their undead territory. But something was off, the two of them shared something neither could acknowledge, something forbidden and broken. They were offspring of the demonic. But Solitude had no time for camaraderie, and wasted not a second in kicking him out. The dragon seemed confident in his own power, but compared to Solitude within their territory, their place, he stood little chance. Within only a few blows he realised the power gap between them and swiftly made his exit. However, only a few nights after, and his ‘master’ came to visit. The strange creature claimed to be the one who raised “that freak of nature”, and wished to both congratulate Solitude on their win, and also to take them in as one of “his”. They promptly refused, wishing to never fall ‘under’ another's control again, but the ‘Master’ merely chuckled to himself. He raised a shadowy wing, and the world above went dark. The skeletal trees’ whispers disappeared and the power of their home left them. A cold crept into their bones, and they felt fear for the first time in centuries. True fear. Then it stopped. They blinked, and their home was back, the familiar dead forest, the comforting whispers, the power. It was back, but they understood. Solitude bowed before this immeasurable power, and then he was gone.

That next night, when the moon was at its highest, the strange dragon was back. He claimed to be Soul, the ‘original’ disciple of their master. Soul then explained how Solitude was ‘below’ himself, and that they should ask him any questions, as their ‘master’ only wished for them to be ‘happy’. With no response, Soul then explained how their master had promised that Solitude would be able to get their revenge on those who did them wrong, that all they had to do was come when the time was right. That was it. Then, without so much as a goodbye, Soul left. Leaving a green mask with an eerie smile in his wake, attached to which was a note.
“You are never fully dressed without a smile, so as a welcoming gift to my family, I bestow upon you a new title. Wear this mask and know you will get your revenge, my Smile.”

Theme song:
Insane - Black Gryph0n, Baasik
Careful what you wish for - jack harris

- “If I wanted to hurt anyone here, I would have done so already”
- “I’ve come to crave a new form of entertainment”
- “After all, the world is a stage. And a stage is a world of entertainment”
- “The chance given was the life they lived before (death). The punishment is this (hell). […] There is no undoing what is done.”
- (about them) “You can’t believe this creep. They aren’t just a happy face. They are a deal maker. Pure evil.”
- ‘static’ 
- “You are never fully dressed without a smile

(This character is heavily influenced by Alastor (Hazbin Hotel))