Mores Sunshine



6 months, 8 days ago


> • **Name:** Mores Sunshine

> • **Gender/Pronouns:** he/them

> • **Sexual Orientation:** Anyone everyone.

> • **Age:** 22

> • **Height:** 5’6”

> ** **

> • **Personality:**  Laid back, optimistic. Sometimes uncaring.

> • **Likes:**  Romance novels, comedy movies. Dream journalling.

> • **Dislikes:** Rain.

> • **Backstory:**

A stressed out guy who coasted between jobs before deciding to take a vacation forever. Everyone around him seemed to always do well, while he always seemed to be doing worse. He decided after one day to live his dream life and go on his dream vacation— or at least, live life literally like it was a dream with no stakes in it.

> ** **

> • **Power: **  Lucky charm

Everyone in close proximity of Mores will have amazing luck and defy bad fate.

> • **General Strengths:**

He’s generally optimistic, unwavering in front of horrors. He has a high pain tolerance.

> • **Major Weakness:** 
He absorbs everyone’s bad luck. If someone were to be impaled, he would be impaled instead. If someone were to get sick, he would get sick instead.

> • **General Weaknesses:**

He refuses to read, because in dreams one cannot read. He’s committed to his bit.

While he is nice to others, he is also rather uncaring about other people. He is psychically weak in strength.

i copied his bio on  the rp hip hip horray