Barbatos "Barbie" Beleth



6 months, 18 days ago



Barbatos "Barbie" Beleth

April 30th
Dancing, Singing, Chinese Pole, Flag Spinning, Hand Walking
Favorite Item
Her Speical Hat
Voice Claim
Poppy from Trolls

Follow your instincts and escape from here. Pursue the fantasy you dream of. Run and run, say goodbye to your current life.


Barbie was once a part of the Enchantment Tent. Due to the actions of her brother, Barbie left the tent to live in the Melody Tent. She is much happier growing into her own here with the help of her partners and friends. She continues to work on and improve her shows to make the others who helped her happy!


Barbie has an interesting run in when it comes to love. Her first partner who was her new ringmaster Momo, she had fell in love with right out the gate.Barbie tried making it as clear as can be ,but it seemed Momo wasn't known for quickly picking up on things. Though when she put two and two together, Momo said yes! Barbie was so happy to hear this especially after going to Momo's bestie Lucy to make sure it would work. This isn't the only time Barbie has had love come to her out of the blue. Another was when she ended up through hijinx dating her best friend Mav. She wouldn't trade either for the world. She just finds it funny how she got here. To think her luck couldn't get weirder, Barbie's next partner was from the Rage tent. Barbie was still very happy to fall into Calamity's lap and glad to have her protection.

Not all her relationships have been positive.though. Her connection with her brother has gotten worse with time. This is due to the fact Morax tries to control her life and make it the way he views it. Even when it goes against what she wants. Barbie actively avoids him because of this.


Barbie is one theatric clown! She is one to always make a show of things when she can and make sure it's something the other person will remember. You think she would be one to cause major events that go into chaos due to this. You would be half right. She never means for it to happen ,but you never know with how things go.

Barbie is very caring and loving! Though don't take that for granted. She doesn't care for others trying to use her nor make her do things she isn't ok with. Barbie has had too much of that already and is done with that. As long as you respect her and are kind, she with give that to you in return. Treat others how you wish to be treated type of thing.

Momo Samgita

When coming to the Melody Tent, Barbie fell hard for Momo and she made sure everything was prefect to confess. She had a speech ready and everything! Though she didn't plan for it to go over Momo's head. It took a moment, but when Momo realized she happily said yes! Barbie makes sure to give Momo as much love as she can through pda and preformances!


Barbie met Maverick when seeing him all alone and making it her mission to make him happy and be his friend. Who knew that would lead them to date! Maverick is the comedy to her drama in theater. She still loves him all the same and doesn't regret literally picking him up that day. She wouldn't have it any other way. She makes sure to give him lots of words of comfort and pda.


One of Barbie's partners. Barbie knew Pepper wished to get to know her for awhile. When seeeing Pepper wasn't going to be the first to speak, Barbie was. two quickly became close and it wasn't long before they were a couple. Barbie tries her best to help Pepper be more open on what she wants and be able to enjoy things more. Barbie finds Pepper very sweet and wouldn't let anyone hurt her.


One of Barbie's partners. Barbie was overjoyed to meet Mimosa and did everything she could to be her friend. Barbie always made sure Mimosa enjoyed her time with her. She would give gifts and do shows for her. After a point this friendship turneed into something more. Barbie makes sure that Mimosa gets all the love and kisses she can give.


Barbie wasn't expecting to find love in the Rage tent of all places ,but here we are! Calamity is one of Barbie's partners who helps protect her from people like her brother. She is glad to have someone as strong as Calamity around.


One of barbie's lovely partners. Bowie is very chaotic ,but Barbie never minds. If anything Barbie helps Bowie from being too crazy. It's very hard to pull these two apart from each other when they are together. Bowie is always there for Barbie same way Barbie is always there for her.


Another partner of Barbie's. Barbie loves seeing Rumia preform and happy when Rumia watches hers. Rumia's advice is always welcoem and Barbie always takes note of them. Though at first Rumia didn't wish to admit her feelings to anyone even herself, Barbie took the lead and was very up front on her feelings. Rumia's worries were put aside and they have been togehter since.


Basil is an interesting case of a partner for Barbie. He at first acted much like a scared cat who didn't know how to handle a healthy interaction. Though Barbie refused to give up on him. She made sure that Basil was well loved and that he knew it. She's glad to see him getting better though she wish he wasn't hard on himself for how he use to be. To Barbie all that matters is who he is now and she loves him.

Dolores Daevas

One of Barbie's partners. Barbie is always trying to give Dolores a wholesome and happy view on things. She wants to make sure she's happy and enjoys her time. Though she does have to make sure to Dolores she can handle herslef with some things. Barbie has even gifts her more umbrellas so Dolores can switch out which ones she wants to use to match her outfits.

Morax Beleth

Ah yes. Barbie's older brother. She wants nothing to do with him. Back in her old tent, he would control everything they did. At first it was fine until Barbie wanted to explore herself and her act. Her brother refused and demanded she stay. Due to this she doesn't like going back there and thankfully thanks to Momo, Morax is banned from the Melody Tent.