Maizi Kazal



6 years, 2 months ago


Race: Tiefling
Age: 13
Height: 5'2"
Class: ranger
Occupation: Wandering

Maizi is Guisenna’s youngest sibling. When she was a year old, Maizi survived the massacre of her family by luck. She had been in town the day of the attack, staying under the watchful eye of the town's midwife while sick with fever. 

The attack left the villagers shaken, and Maizi's fate uncertain. The midwife was too old to raise a child, and most were too suspicious of the baby's lineage, and whether they would meet the same fate as the Kazals, and many others. The village, after all, had not gone untouched by the demon that rampaged through. 

The villagers were not bad people, but they were afraid for themselves and their families, and blinded by superstition and that fear. However, none among them could suggest leaving a child to die. Instead, they began to suggest what they could do. Families offered food, education, clothing, and only one thing was missing until the head of the village, Arnad, offered a place for her to live. This surprised everyone, as Arnad had no wife or family of his own, and was solely responsible for negotiating with surrounding villages for protection and trade. 

For 12 years Maizi was raised by the village, educated and cared for. There was a wariness to the villagers that permeated every interaction. Maizi knew why of course. Being the only tiefling in the village, she wondered at her origins often, and Arnad felt no need to mince words. She visited her family's gravesite, and asked the villagers who were willing to speak of them more about her family, but there were few.