Tsuku (jjk version)



5 months, 10 days ago


In the shadowed tapestry of Yoshiwara's intrigue, Tsuku's origin bore the mark of both sorcery and the streets. Her days with her sorcerer father unraveled in the face of a curse, leaving her to the chill embrace of a mother who, in a heartless act, traded her own blood for escape coin.

Yet, Tsuku, a resilient soul, clawed her way to prominence in the brothel's hierarchy, becoming an Oiran, a puppet master of desire. Behind the frosty facade she wore for men, she played the role of a nurturing figure to the younger souls ensnared in the brothel's web.

Her nocturnal pilgrimages to the cemetery fueled whispers of communion with the spectral realm. Reports to the guards, woven with supernatural fear, reached the shogun's ears. A decision was made to cut the threads that bound her, especially given her influence over the powerful men she seduced.

Gifted with cursed energy by her sorcerer father, Tsuku held the power to communicate with spirits, and her connection to cemeteries was profound. Amidst this supernatural dance, she found love in a samurai, their clandestine meetings defying societal bounds.

Yet, as they sought escape, a dark alley became a trap, and Tsuku faced the shogun's guards, branding her a threat. Betrayal unfolded, the samurai's greed laid bare, shattering Tsuku's heart and birthing a maelstrom of hatred for those who had exploited her.

Her execution day echoed with a vow of vengeance, sealed with her decapitation. Reduced to ash and a friend's hairpin, Tsuku's spirit, steeped in hatred and cursed energy, haunted the realm, pursued by relentless jujutsu sorcerers.

Inevitably, her destiny met a pair of sorcerers, sealing her essence into cursed eyes. The eyes, now ensconced in a table, awaited a distant future, where a young Sachi would dare to unravel the dormant malevolence woven into Tsuku's story.