Jaxten Niehnt



5 months, 29 days ago


jaxten is a stupid fucking manbaby, the epitome of anger problems. he gets into fights over virtually nothing, and because of his unstable mood, he's killed more trolls than he can remember. He is always tense. He doesn't trust anybody, he doesn't really like to talk to anybody either. Except, of course, if you're one of the few people to gain his trust. To those people, who he holds very close to him he's like a big guard dog. He's quiet, and he's polite. Essentially, he is who he really is without the hardened exterior that he's gained over the years. Jaxten, being a highblood, is dead broke. He had killed his lusus as a child in a fit of rage, and from the guilt he ran from his hive and lived on the streets. he got into countless fights, and received countless scars from those. eventually, a young troll named lecshi took jaxten into her home when they where young, untill he could find a place for himself. ever since then he would do anything to protect her
7'1", 8.55 sweeps, he/him, purpleblood body type: mama mia
Knight of Heart