
Name: Weston Stone

Gender: Male, he/him

Age: 56 years old

Birthday: December 31st

Height: 5’4 

Occupation: Former astrophysicist turned metaphysician, employed at Ultra-V

Personality: Weston is what you’d expect of a normal scientist. He’s a bit awkward and tentative, and can often ramble about his research. He can be found muttering to himself. Weston finds himself staying as serious as he can. It’s clear when speaking to him that Weston is a man that has been worn thin, and he has a short temper that can match that, although his short fuse results more often in a breakdown rather than shouts. Family is a core value to Weston, and he seems to place it above himself. His ambitions seem placed in other people rather than himself, his own identity lost to the unwoven threads of his mind. Weston is deeply philosophical, and has great theories about the inner-workings of humanities mind, or more starkly, the soul. Although deep down Weston is a kind and loving soul, it’s hard to reach that part of him, buried in the thick grime of all he’s been through.

Likes: Being with his family, reminiscing on the good of the past, a good ol reliable slice of pie (particularly coconut cream), snow, space, ancient cultures, animated movies (surprisingly)

Dislikes: Mirrors (he gets fixated on his appearance, Weston has dealt with quite a bit of dysmorphia), plums, cold weather (ironically), politics, drugs (he prefers herbal remedies)

Known Relationships: Kiersten Stone (daughter), Zinnia Stone (wife, deceased), Deon Stone (adopted son, alive), Marguerite Lyra (co-worker, disconnected), Adam Charlevoix (co-worker, decently close), Paxton Renfield (co-worker, close), “The Creator” (boss, enemies)

Additional information: Weston’s one blue eye is a fake, synthetic, robotic glass eye. His piercings are from his teen years.