Content Warning

User Content Warning

This user profile has been marked with a content warning:

This user's characters, art, stories, and other original creations are protected under copyright law.
Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution will be met with appropriate legal action.

This user's characters, art, stories, and other original creations may not be used to train any form of AI. Any unauthorized use, reproduction, or redistribution will be met with appropriate legal action.

InksHideaway ;; Profile Warnings
Content Warnings




Mental Health Mention

Self Harm

Flashing Lights

Bright Colours

Holy Beings (eg, demons)

Spoilers (Multi-media)

Insect Characters

Apocalyptic Setting

Misc / Other Warnings

;; my tos ,:, my blacklist ,:, dni/iwc ,:, my permissions ,:, this page can also be found in the tabs of my tos.
The only reason this warnings page is coded is because I enjoy using codes. I thought this simple one would make it nicer to use, though.
Offers on characters with the Y tag are okay! Do NOT offer on characters with X tag.

  • Most of my characters have their own content warning, however I still ask that you're warry of who you click on.
  • I have a lot of characters, it might look like hoarding. I promise I love them all sososo much, I just happen to obsess over specific ones and focus on them more than the rest, but I DO STILL USE THE OTHERS!! Unless I directly state that I don't, just assume I do :)
  • I do not personally agree or support most mentions in my character's profiles. We don't share the same beliefs / I don't support what happens to them just because I created them.
    • On a similar note, I don't give characters traumatic experiences just to make them interesting. I do it to connect with them better and as a coping mechanism. I also do not go into detail with this trauma, it's left at a mention or note.
  • I tag most of my art for what I think should be tagged, but do let me know if I'm missing anything!!
  • I tend to change my codes a lot, it's because I'm super indecisive on what I want. Lol.

Character Content Warning

This character profile has been marked with a content warning:

Coin ;; Character Warnings
Content Warnings


AvA/AvM Spoilers

Mentions Of Accident


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