Lednom Hamond - Homestuck OC



Name: Lednom Hamond (post-scratch)
Ancestor title: N/A
Pre-scratch self: Lednom Hamond
Descendant: Leonee Hamond

Age: N/A, adult
Gender/pronouns: male (trans ftm), he/him
Typing quirk: switches b and d, v and u, p and q, z and s. Doesn’t capitalise words and sentences

Blood colour: Teal
Lunar Sway: Derse
Aspect: Light
True Sign: Lipia
Class: Bard of Light 
Weapon: Polearm - Spearkind

Job: Legislacerator, same as Redglare

Relations: Darius Agaato (The Huntsman) - matepsprit, rest are TBA

Referred to as she/her and he/him when people talk about him in present day because no one knows his real gender identity (he is a guy).