


5 months, 10 days ago


Terii Sunada - Terri

Terri as she prefers to be known is your classic teen who wants to be sooooo cool, so mysterious, and edgy. She is a rambunctious teen, crude, gross, with a mean streak. She uses her early growth spurt to get her way a lot of times. She has bouts of anger, prone to easily getting angered or upset - especially if one insults her intelligence, or worse, threatens her family. She is fiercely protective of both her siblings Yomi & Susano - [ Twins that she befriended while in the Orphanage, even after  they got adopted ]  & the younger children in her Orphanage.

Her shortfuse nature has been slightly tampered by her training. Terri has been taking  martial arts since young - kickboxing with her Combusken, and Arnis with her Grovyle. When she does get  angry, she usually feels guilty after. She's super into ninjas and being cool at the the moment. she's very sparkly eyed at older cooler teens.  

She hates broken things, and tries  her best to repair it  and use it forever. She likes recycling things, and reusing  trash. -- [Child Profile]

Accessories:  Green Scarf - She hides her face behind it. She has a scar along her lip that she hides with the scarf, or eventually  a mask. // Jacket is full of pockets.
IMPORTANT: Two hair strands at top like a Blaziken /Orange  Eyes / Messy Hair. is really a try hard dummy /// When she's older she  dyes her hair to be more consistently a flame.!
Pokemon:  'Mimic' the Shiny Greninja- ' FIRE STARTER ' the Combusken / Grovyle / 'Carbink'- the Carakol / 'Kunai' - The Sneasler (with pants)  / && The Ninja Bugs!!!!! ninja pokemon......