


5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Kanga (Con-gah-oh)


6'5", 190

Birth date: May 4, Looks about early 30's... is much older in reality.

General Personality: Kanga is a bit of a mess of disposisions.  Personality in a can, he's got the processing power of an angry 6 year old, with just as short a fuse and the inability to cope with things that are suddenly different (if those things are harmless.... like telling him he can't have that cotton candy even though he already has it in his hands).  Kanga is otherwise relatively calm, blunt, honest and tells things as he sees them.  Obviously this makes him come off as a total ass hole, and he will not argue that logic.  He knows he's a terrible person and does absolutely nothing to change that.  Generally, Kanga is easy to deal with so long as bribes are involved (sweets), but don't expect him to give you any special treatment.  He tends to get things done very efficiently, and thrives with a good working schedule.  While he doesn't look sharp (and he isn't) he is always watching and observing.... anyone can expect him to know everything about them without them knowing anything about him.  This is while he's medicated.  Unmedicated, Kanga is a bit more sporatic and can go from 0 to 100 in a snap.  His disability to cope to a harmless change turns into explosive malicious fits which usually ends up in someone dead or permanently damaged.  His emotional switch can trigger epilepsy also.

Important physical features: Mousy, lean, but muscular.  Usually has half cast eyes, although fairly focused.  blond hair, green eyes, medium toned skin.  hair is hand cut and palmed back. Almost always in sweats and a tank top with sandals... occassionally may be seen in jeans and a nice jacket or hoodie.  Lots of scars.

General story: Kanga was the oldest child in an abusive household.  He was naturally a very resistant 'trouble child' who was the main victim to both of his parents and he retained a strong sense of bite to defend himself as he grew older.  After his sister Ceide was born, Kanga brought it upon himself to support her as the heavy hand of his parents was not willing to do.  But, as an early teenager he had very few ways to get money to feed her and turned to the slums of society where it was easy to get what he needed for the right kind of deal.  He became more and more involved in the underground affiliations of gangsters as his second sister was born until eventually his attitude and need to protect them lead to a near fatal clash with his father.  The girls managed to get him in a protective custody hospital, while the two of them ran away.  Kanga spent 20 years in a trauma/mental care hospital which was paid for by the local mob boss who had adopted him as his god-son.  He eventually was allowed to leave, but he had a rather explosive and aggressive disposition while unmedicated in the public world And was rapidly sent back to prison for assault and murder.  As a valuable man of the mob, He was bought to freedom under the deal that he would remain medicated to keep control of himself and what ever physical and mental disabilities he gained from his early life.  

Other Tidbits: One of his strongest tells of annoyance is when he itches his chin... get out of arms reach immediately or offer candy.  Is a math and code genius.  Has a soft spot for women, and young girls and approaches most of them like a brother.  Has an adopted daughter, he loves dressing her up in cute dresses.  Asexual.  Has a caretaker.  Kanga is brain damaged from severe head trauma.

Affiliations:  Bell and Ceide: Sisters.  Tonergander Slim: God Father.  Ghost: god-brother.  Bumba: Auntie.   Children: Blaaz, Zaturok, Shou, Tombstone.