


5 years, 10 months ago


Name: Creed

Species: Floater

Gender: Male

6'4  215 Lb

Birth date: October 12

General personality: Hard to read.  Creed is generally seen as quiet and observant, easy to talk at because he seems to listen (although its uncertain if he really is).  He can be quite outgoing, though, and is especially enthusiastic when attractive women are in view.  He's strong and prideful and unwilling to compromise these qualities for anything.  Creed is however quite gullible and not known to be the sharpest tool in the shed regardless of his ability to solve problems placed in his path.  His hobbies include heavy lifting, building crude living spaces, digging and sex. 

Important physical features: A big guy, with broad shoulders and muscular build, generally long torso and short legs.  The top half of his head, legs from the knee down, and groin are pitch black.  Absolutely covered in freckles.  The right side of his face, torso and arm are covered in burn scars.  Right cheek has an 'X' mark on it, unclear if tattoo, bandage or something else.  Has one eye that floats in the front.

Story:  Creed was born and raised in a farming village high in the mountains along rivers and lakes and snow.  Thus he became a hard worker and a relatively honest person.  His life was simple and he was simple.  When the village was uprooted, he sought extended family for sanctuary where he could learn to be a part of a more advanced society.  He adapted easily to how things worked while going back and forth among cities in the portal hubs, and spent most of his time with his Cousin Chelsey.  They frequently get into trouble, get stuck and cause all sorts of ruckus they shouldn't.  Creed currently resides in between a few different worlds connected to the portal Hub.
Advanced society was not kind on him and he fell to various crimes that lead him to very poor avenues.  When he was captured and sent to a prison camp where he worked mining.  During that time Scientists were working to make advancements in colonizing other planets, and were gathering prisoners to send to these planets in order to establish survival and later develop the structures and base work for establishing colonies of regular populations.  Creed was sent to a planet that had already been established as mostly survivable, but the base work of building the colonies was still in development.    He worked there long into the successful integration of normal citizen until he was established to be released from criminal duties.  He decided that he was not made to be in normal society with people and took to travelling, staying at suitable places for some number of time before moving onto the next, only stopping into society when he needed to.  

Random tidbits: Creed seems unable to speak any other language but his home language, although he can understand many languages fairly well.  He's very simple.  It's unclear whether his cousin Chelsey is actually his cousin and not some random floater that occasionally stops by.