NeedsAName's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

username5412 Global Rules

character css by cy @


- General properties

- Global IDs

  > .button variants

  > .display-user

  > .label variants

  > .panel

  > .th, .thumb

  > pagination

  > grids

- Containers

  > #container

  > #main

  > #content

  > #footer

- Header

- Sidebar

- Profile page [.character-profile]

  > .character-stats

  > .character-fields

  > .character-recent-images

- Gallery [.character-gallery]

- Worlds [.character-worlds]

- Links [.character-links]

- Comments [.comments]




Colours used (lightest to darkest):









This is a simple layout, so there aren't any options really.

You can of course replace colours in the order of darkest -> lightest

for a dark layout, but you may have to adjust the thumbnail bg/borders

so the contrast doesn't look atrocious.





background-color: #000;

border-color: #000;




General properties



Both must be overwritten or hover colour will be default blue.

However, if [.display-user a] is set, that will take priority


a, a:link, a:visited


color: #a4bdcd;




color: #c1d7dd;


#sidebar a:focus, #sidebar a:active, #sidebar a:hover


background-color: transparent;



All timestamps

Attempts thus far to remove the dotted

bottom line have been unsuccessful




color: #9398b3;

border-bottom: 1px dotted #9398b3;




border: 0px;



padding is asymmetrical by default. (9 20 0 19)




padding-bottom: 9px;

border-left: 10px solid #c1d7dd;

border-radius: 3px;



Both the basic headers and the .panel headers need

to be modified at the same time since it doesn't

cascade into .panel, so bulletins etc. aren't affected

Oddly, things such as links do gain the changes...


h1, .panel h1


padding-left: 0px;

color: #a4bdcd;

font-size: 2em;

} /* .panel h1 has extra left padding? */

h2, .panel h2


color: #a4bdcd;

font-size: 2em;


h3, .panel h3


color: #a4bdcd;


h4, .panel h4


color: #a4bdcd;


h5, .panel h5


color: #a4bdcd;


h6, .panel h6


color: #a4bdcd;



If hr doesn't work, add <p></p> tags

It seems to work fine for content,

but not in the sidebar blurb

default values:

margin-top: 20px;

border-top: 1px;

margin-bottom: 19px;




border: 0px;

background-color: #d7e9ec;

border-radius: 3px;

height: 10px;

margin-top: 10px;

margin-bottom: 9px;



p seems to crop up every now and then, so best to remove any

padding whatsoever...


p, .panel p


color: #625966;




color: #9398b3;



Global IDs



.button variants

- [button] by itself cannot be modified

- modal buttons are more specific



.button affected areas:

- Worlds: "+ Add Character to a World"

- Links: "Request Link"

- Comments: "Post Comment"




background-color: #9398b3;

color: #d7e9ec;

border-radius: 3px;




background-color: #a4bdcd;



.button.secondary affected areas:

- Gallery: "Save Gallery"

- Links: "Select Character"

- Comments: "Select Character", "Select Image"




background-color: #9398b3;

color: #d7e9ec;

border-radius: 3px;




background-color: #a4bdcd;

color: #d7e9ec;






This affects any usernames

On the main character profile page,

it only affects the Designer in the character

stats because "Owner" is a [.display-user-tiny]

rather than just [.display-user].


.display-user a {}

.display-user a:hover {}


.label variants

:hover (without using a:hover) is enough

for changing the hover text colour.

[a] does not affect label text



I've found that using .label in specific places will affect

all labels in that container, but using the generic [.label]

will affect only certain labels.

.label affected areas:

- Profile: tags

- Links: character names

- Comments: "Edit" labels

To do hover text colour for character names, use [.label a]

To do hover text colour for edit labels, use [.label] (same for .alert)

Or: if the label itself isn't a link, use [.label a].



#content .label


background-color: #9398b3;

color: #d7e9ec;

border-radius: 3px;


.label a, .label a:link,

#content .label a, #content .label a:link


color: #d7e9ec;


.label:hover ,

#content .label:hover


color: #d7e9ec;

background-color: #a4bdcd;


.label a :hover,

#content .label a:hover


color: #d7e9ec;



.label.secondary affected areas:

- Gallery: "Edit" label

- Worlds: "Leave" label

- Links: username labels



#content .label.secondary


background-color: #a4bdcd !important;

color: #fff;

border-radius: 3px;



#content .label.secondary:hover


background-color: #d7e9ec;


.label.secondary  a,

#content .label.secondary a


color: #fff;


.label.secondary a:hover ,

#content .label.secondary a:hover


color: #fff;



.label.alert affected areas:

- Links: "Delete Link"

- Comments: "Delete" label

To do hover text colour, don't use [a]



#content .label.alert


background-color: #625966;

color: #d7e9ec;


.label.alert:hover ,

#content .label.alert:hover


color: #c1d7dd;






.panel affected areas:

- Links: character selection bar at the top,

         individual link boxes

- Comments: individual comment boxes




background-color: transparent;

border: 0px;

padding: 0px;

margin: 0px;



.th, .thumb



.th affected areas:

- Profile: recent images

- Gallery: images

- Worlds: worlds

Use this to modify box-shadow and the fat white border,

as well as constrain the image's size




box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 1px #d7e9ec;

border-radius: 3px;

border: 4px solid #fff;




box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px 1px #c1d7dd;



.thumb affected areas:

- the entire section enclosing a character/world

- no padding/margins

- Profile: recent images

- Gallery: images

- Worlds: worlds


.thumb {}





There doesn't seem to be any pagination on character

pages but just in case...


/* non-active page numbers */

ul.pagination li a


color: #a4bdcd;


ul.pagination li a:hover  


background-color: #a4bdcd;

color: #d7e9ec;


/* current page number, modify background colour here */

ul.pagination li.current a


background-color: #9398b3;

color: #d7e9ec;


ul.pagination li.current a:hover


background-color: #a4bdcd;

color: #d7e9ec;


/* note that these are different */

ul.pagination li {}

ul.pagination li:hover {}

ul.pagination li.current {}

ul.pagination li.current:hover {}






Used for the main profile, and gallery.

6 to a row, width of each li is then 16.6%.

With fixed margins ~16.3% seems to work fine.

For some reason, has -10px left and right margins.

(To push it past #content's padding all the way to the edges?)




margin-left: 0px;

margin-right: 0px;



ul.small-block-grid-6 li

In the galleries, is a better option than .thumb and

has more power than .thumb does.

It's a better option because the padding is consistent.


ul.large-block-grid-6 li


padding-top: 10px;




Used on the Worlds page only.




margin-left: 0px;

margin-right: 0px;


ul.small-block-grid-4 li {}





Contains everything on the page.

Shrinking this causes stuff to overflow.

Nice for backgrounds but don't touch the width/height.




background-color: #fff;



Contains everything except the header and footer.

(i.e. it contains #sidebar and #content)

Can squash for a narrower content area.




margin-top: 70px;

width: 90%;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;

background-color: transparent;



Contains the main content of the page.

Note that the padding is compounded with the container

that represents the current page's content.

Doing things like changing the text colour here will affect

text in created divs, but not text in panels and etc.

It also affects world names on the Worlds page.

Better to do text colour changes in specific places.




width: 74%;

color: #625966;

padding: 0px 0px 50px 0px;



Generally not useful for layouts unless something to meet

the lower part of the page is required.

It contains the profiler which I'll also turn off here.


#footer  { display: none; }

.profiler { display: none; }





I have no idea what to do with this sometimes;

it contains important functions so getting rid of it

isn't a good idea but it's also too thick for layouts sometimes.




border: 0px;

width: 90%;

min-width: 800px;

background-color: #9398b3;

margin-left: auto;

margin-right: auto;

position: relative;

border-radius: 3px;

top: 50px;



All header buttons including the dropdown

If transparent, background colour will show through.

However, dropdown li will also become transparent

and will need to be set with [.dropdown li]

Both [#header a] and [#header li] need to be transparent.

Background colour can then be set on #header.


#header a, #header li


background-color: transparent;

color: #d7e9ec;


#header li:hover


background-color: #a4bdcd;


#header .dropdown li


background-color: #9398b3;


/* Dropdown links */

#header .dropdown li:hover


background-color: #a4bdcd;


/* Vertical divider; border-right */

#header li.divider { display: none;/*border-right: 1px solid #000;*/ }

/* top-left homepage link */

#header .title-area


display: none;


/* user icon */

#header img {}


To change the size of the bar visually

(padding and font sizes not included)

all these need to be changed

Even if #header a is transparent it needs

to be resized otherwise dropdowns will be

impossible to use

Issue: I don't know how to deal with the dropdown arrow


#header, #header a, #header li, #header .title-area


/*height: 30px;*/


#header .button


background-color: #a4bdcd;

margin-right: 10px;


#header li:hover .button


background-color: #c1d7dd;

color: #fff;



Contains all the header bar stuff.

With some resizing of #header it's possible to

set up a header image while preserving the header bar.

#header's background goes under this.

I haven't yet figured out how to adjust the padding

of the dropdown buttons.




width: 100%;

background-color: #9398b3;

border-radius: 3px;



Only the left side of the header bar items,

excluding the top left homepage link.

Floats left.


.top-bar-section .left {}


Only the right side of the header bar items.

Floats right.

At the moment there's only one item so

#header .user-link does the same thing.


.top-bar-section .right {}





The whole sidebar.

All the li are transparent, so changing the

background colour affects everything except

for the box that says "User" (.header).

Changing the text colour affects blurb text.

Padding pads all the content.

Default width is 16.6667%.




background-color: transparent;

width: 25%;



Changing the colour affects all the link text in the sidebar.

Note that [.side-nav a] doesn't do the same.

Neither does [.side-nav li a].


#sidebar a {}

#sidebar a:hover {}


Changing the background colour affects only the .header,

user link, blurb, and buttons.

Inserting padding here will also affect the .dividers so

be careful...

Changing colour on hover here will affect every li in the

sidebar, including the blurb (which is probably not the

intended effect). So, the hover is put in [a] rather than [li].


#sidebar li


border: 0px;

border-radius: 3px;


#sidebar li a


padding: 0px;

margin: 5 15 5 15;

padding: 5 0 5 0;

color: #a4bdcd;


#sidebar li a:hover


color: #d7e9ec;


#sidebar li:hover


background-color: #a4bdcd;

color: #d7e9ec;


#sidebar li:hover a


color: #d7e9ec;




background-color: #9398b3;

border-radius: 3px;

padding: 5 0 5 0;


#sidebar a


color: #d7e9ec;



This contains only the part of the sidebar that has any content

(as opposed to #sidebar which stretches the length of the page)

It has padding at the top and bottom. #sidebar has no padding.




border-right: 0px;

padding-right: 25px;

padding-top: 0px;



The username + avatar box.

I recall having weird problems when doing up Jay's CSS,

but at the moment there doesn't seem to be any problem setting

a background image for this.


#sidebar .display-user-tiny a


padding: 15px;

margin: 0px;

text-align: center;


#sidebar .display-user-tiny a:hover


padding: 15px;

margin: 0px;

text-align: center;

background-color: #fff;


#sidebar .display-user-tiny:hover


background-color: #fff;



The blurb.

<hr> seems to require being between <p></p> tags.

Note! Links in the blurb will appear like the other

buttons in the sidebar, i.e. they will stretch the

length of the sidebar and have padding. If this is not

what you want, add this (will affect ALL links in the blurb):

#sidebar .blurb a {display: inline; padding: 0px;}


#sidebar .blurb


padding: 15px;

border-top: 0px;

margin: 0px;

border-radius: 3px;


#sidebar .blurb a


display: inline;

padding: 0px;


#sidebar .blurb:hover


background-color: #fff;



The box that contains the folder that the character is in.

Use [a] to customise the text.


#sidebar .header


background-color: #a4bdcd;


#sidebar .header:hover


background-color: #c1d7dd;


#sidebar .header a


font-weight: normal;

color: #d7e9ec;


#sidebar .header:hover a


color: #fff;



The character's name and icon.


#sidebar .display-character a


padding: 15px;

margin: 0px;

text-align: center;


#sidebar .display-character a:hover


padding: 15px;

margin: 0px;

text-align: center;

background-color: #fff;


#sidebar .display-character:hover


background-color: #fff;



The dividers.

5px of padding on top and below, border is border-top.


#sidebar .divider


margin: 0px;



It's not possible to touch any of the other buttons individually.

However it's possible to mess with the little icons...


#sidebar i {}


The currently active page.

Use [.active a] to change the text colour.


#sidebar .active {}


Profile page




Main editable content of the profile.

Separate from the columns below.

I usually throw in an extra div inside, just in case

I want to make more to abuse later.

There's no padding.


.character-profile {}





The character stats box.

Forced to float right. It overlaps everything else

on the page.

Resembles a [.panel] but isn't one.

I don't really know what to do with it sometimes...


.character-profile .character-stats


border: 0px;

background-color: #c1d7dd;

border-radius: 3px;



Each row in the stats box.

Contains a [.character-stat-title] and

a [.character-stat-value].


.character-profile .character-stats .character-stat-row {}


Title of a row in the character stats.


.character-profile .character-stats .character-stat-title


color: #fff;



Value of a row in the character stats.


.character-profile .character-stats .character-stat-value,

.character-profile .character-stats .character-stat-value a ,

.character-profile .character-stats .character-stat-value abbr


text-align: right;

color: #fff;


.character-profile .character-stats .character-stat-value a:hover


color: #fff;



Username + picture in the character stats.

Can reach the image alone with [img] if you

want to hide it...


.character-profile .character-stats .display-user {}


Character stats tags.


.character-profile .character-stats .label {}

.character-profile .character-stats .label:hover {}







> .character-fields

   > .character-fields-title

   > .character-field-row

  > .character-field-title

  > .character-field-value


.character-profile .character-fields {}


The title of the character fields.

The dividing line between the title and the fields

is here.

Padding: 5 20 5 20

Border: 0 0 1 0

Margin: 0 0 15 0


.character-profile .character-fields .character-fields-title,

.character-profile .character-recent-images .character-recent-images-title,

.character-profile .character-text .character-text-title


padding-left: 0px;

color: #A4BDCD;

font-size: 2em;

border: 0px;

background-color: transparent;



Each row of the stats.


.character-profile .character-fields .character-field-row {}


The title of the field.

Text aligned right, uppercase by default.


.character-profile .character-fields .character-field-title p


font-size: 9pt;

color: #9398B3;

font-weight: bold;



The value of the field.

Spacing between the title and the value is done here

by way of padding (20px left and right).


.character-profile .character-fields .character-field-value p


color: #625966;






Recent images.


> .character-recent-images

   > .character-recent-images-title

   > .character-recent-images-gallery

      > .character-gallery


.character-profile .character-recent-images {}


The title of the recent images.

The dividing line between the title and the gallery

is here.

Padding: 5 20 5 20

Border: 0 0 1 0

Margin: 0 0 15 0


.character-profile .character-recent-images .character-recent-images-title {}


The fieldset that contains the container that contains

the large-block-grid-6 gallery.

20px of padding all around, 5px margins top and bottom.


.character-profile .character-recent-images .character-recent-images-gallery {}


The container that contains the character gallery.

No padding or margins.

Since the character gallery is a grid, it has -10 margins

on both left and right sides.


.character-profile .character-recent-images .character-gallery {}





Character image gallery.

The gallery is a large-block-grid-6.


.character-gallery {}



Also the same as [.thumb].

Contains only the image + the "Edit" label.


.character-gallery .gallery-thumb {}

.character-gallery .gallery-thumb .th {}

.character-gallery .gallery-thumb .th:hover {}


Only the edit label.

To push it into the exact corner of the image,

remove the bottom margin of .th and the margins

for .label.secondary.

There strictly isn't a need to style it, but just

in case it's hard to see...


.character-gallery .label.secondary {}


The save button.


.character-gallery .button {}

.character-gallery .button:hover {}





The worlds container.

Worlds are contained in a small-block-grid-4.


.character-worlds {}


The "Add Character to a World" button.


.character-worlds .button {}

.character-worlds .button:hover {}


The "Leave" label. One of those things that no one else

will see so this is not strictly necessary...


.character-worlds .label.secondary {}

.character-worlds .label.secondary a {}

.character-worlds .label.secondary:hover {}

.character-worlds .label.secondary a:hover {}





The links page.

The structure is exactly the same as the user profile

links page minus the character selection bar at the top,

so you can copy and paste any code for user profile links

and change [.profile-links] to [.character-links]

and vice versa.

This is probably one of the harder pages to style because

there aren't very many unique ids and changing one thing

is likely to break another thing...


.character-links {}





This is named the same as the one used in comments, so

be sure to add [.character-links] before it to avoid


This is the entire bar at the top.

Padding 2px all around, margin 20px bottom.


.character-links .forums-ic-panel {}


This part contains the character selection buttons and

so on.


.character-links .forums-ic-select {}


Displays the selected character, just like for comments.


.character-links #character_display {}


The "Select Character" button.

Padding: 10 20 11 20

Margin: 2 2 2 2


.character-links #select_character {}


The "Request Link" button.

Note that using just [.button] will also affect the

"Select Character" button.

Padding/margins are a bit weird:

Padding: 10 20 11 20

Margin: 2 2 5 2


.character-links .forums-ic-select .button.radius {}


The character select modal styling can be done

below under the comments section, since they use

the same id (#select_character_panel).






Each row of links.

It contains everything in a single link.


.character-links .character-links-row {}


This one is probably going to be troublesome to style,

but it might be useful depending on what you're trying

to do...

Affects 3 things:

1. A container around the character icons/names/delete link label

2. A container around the links text

3. The links text panels

Might be easier to understand visually if you add a

margin to separate them.

3 can easily be styled separately. 1 and 2 are harder

to distinguish and require a lot of small fixes.


.character-links .character-links-row .clearfix {}


This shows up 4 times in a [.character-links-row].

1. left side character icon/names

2. right side character icon/names/delete label

3. left side character text (containing the [.panel])

4. right side character text (containing the [.panel])

Comes with 5px of padding all around.


.character-links .character-links-link {}


Contains the LEFT side icon and names in the row.

It's presumably text-right because it's text-alignment right...

Side effect: styling this will affect the box containing

the edit button in the [.panel] under the text box.

Fix with [.profile-links .character-links-link .panel .text-right].


.character-links .character-links-link .text-right {}


Contains the RIGHT side icon, names and the delete label.

Again, it's probably text-left because text-alignment left.

No side effect for this one.


.character-links .character-links-link .text-left {}


The character icons.

Has a max height of 100px, no min-height.


.character-links .character-links-link .icon-100 {}


Affects all the labels. That is,

1. The delete label

2. The small link icon

3. Character name label

4. Username label

This is necessary because you can't affect

only the character name labels. Everything else

can be specifically modified.


.character-links .label {}

.character-links .label:hover {}

/* The delete labels alone. */

.character-links .label.alert {}

.character-links .label.alert:hover {}

/* The link icons alone. */

.character-links .label.muted {}

.character-links .label.muted:hover {}


The username label alone.

Note that changing the text colour here will not work;

you need to use [a].


.character-links .label.secondary {}

.character-links .label.secondary a {}

.character-links .label.secondary:hover {}

.character-links .label.secondary a:hover {}


The panels that contain the text box and edit buttons.


.character-links .character-links-link .panel {}

/* The textboxes. */

.character-links .character-links-link .panel .form-control {}


A row inside the panel that contains the

"Notify (username) of change?" text as well as

the [.text-right] that contains the button.


.character-links .character-links-link .panel .row {}

/* The edit button. */

.character-links .character-links-link .panel button.tiny {}

.character-links .character-links-link .panel button.tiny:hover {}





  > .comment-create

   >> .forums-ic-panel

  > .reveal-modal

  > .forum-posts

   >> .forum-posts-sidebar

   >> .forum-post



Comments container.

If the divider hr needs to be modified, do it here (.comments hr)

Note that no styling is applied to specific bulletin pages,

so nothing will happen on there...


.comments {}


The section for making comments.

The important part is the IC switch + hidden components.


.comment-create {}





The entire section containing the IC switch.


.comment-create .forums-ic-panel





width: 15%;

float: left;

clear: both;

color: #a4bdcd;




float: left;

display: inline;

clear: both;

padding-left: 0px;

padding-right: 0px;



#character_display img


margin-right: 10px;



Affects both buttons.


.comment-create .forums-ic-select .button



.comment-create .forums-ic-select .button:hover {}


Affects a specific button only.

Can use for playing with alignment/line breaks.


.comment-create .forums-ic-select #select_character {}

.comment-create .forums-ic-select #select_image {}

.comment-create .forums-ic-select #select_character:hover {}

.comment-create .forums-ic-select #select_image:hover {}


Can be used to style the textbox.

Things to think about:

padding, margins, colour, border-radius, box-shadow

It's possible to make it entirely borderless/put

a background image on it, but note that users can

change the size of the textbox on their screen

(not that this is a deterrent for doing cute things...)

If a background colour is specified (even transparent),

it does not darken when the user clicks on it.

A fixed-sized textbox will be necessary if alignment's

important, since we don't want it to deform too much when

the user changes the window size...this is best used

only with small textboxes tbh




background-color: #fff;

border: 0px;

box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 1px #c1d7dd;

color: #625966;




background-color: #fff;

box-shadow: 0px 0px 6px 1px #c1d7dd;

border: 0px;



The "Post Comment" button.

Ideally all buttons should be styled the same, and

all in one place though.


.comment-create .button {}

.comment-create .button:hover {}





These are the things that pop up for selecting characters

and images...and also affect the ones that do things

like submit images for characters and stuff

The latter don't need to be styled completely,

but may be worth checking for how readable they are

especially when working with a dark background

.reveal-modal{} affects all modals;

here I'll use their specific ids for comments.



.select_image_panel {}

/* title of the modal */

.select_character_panel h4,

.select_image_panel h4 {}

/* selection area of the modal */

.select_character_panel .panel,

.select_image_panel .panel {}

/* more specific versions */

.select_character_panel .character-select-panel {}

.select_image_panel .image-select-panel {}

/* character selection */

.select_character_panel .character-select-row {}

.select_character_panel .character-select-row:hover


background-color: #d7e9ec;


/* image selection */

.select_image_panel .image-select-cell {}

.select_image_panel .image-select-cell:hover


background-color: #d7e9ec;


/* .button doesn't work, so use these */

.select_character_panel .character-select-button,

.select_image_panel .image-select-button


background-color: #9398b3;

color: #d7e9ec;

border-radius: 3px;


.select_character_panel .character-select-button:hover,

.select_image_panel .image-select-button:hover


background-color: #a4bdcd;


.select_image_panel .small-block-grid-5


margin: 0px;






A container that holds each individual comment.

Adjust the padding here, add a line to

differentiate individual comments...


.forum-posts {}


Holds the user's avatar. Can be used to crop

the image by way of overflow: hidden;.


.forum-posts .forum-posts-sidebar {}

/* Holds the main content of the post. */

.forum-posts .forum-post {}


Notes who (and which character if applicable) posted

the comment, and when.

The date can be styled with abbr.


.forum-posts .forum-post .forum-post-caption


color: #9398b3;



For styling the Edit/Delete buttons.

[.label] gets both of them, while [.label.alert]

only gets the delete button.


.forum-posts .forum-post .label {}

.forum-posts .forum-post .label.alert {}

.forum-posts .forum-post .label:hover {}

.forum-posts .forum-post .label.alert:hover {}


Main text content.

If there's no universal styling for .panel,

the background/border etc. can be changed here.


.forum-posts .forum-post-content


padding: 9px 20px 9px 19px;

border-left: 5px solid #d7e9ec;

border-radius: 3px;




margin-top: 10px;

border-left: 10px solid #c1d7dd;

border-radius: 3px;




margin-top: 10px;




margin-top: 2px;




width: 50%;


.forum-post .label,

.forum-post .label.alert


margin-top: -21px;
