Iofi's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

juggalos Global Rules

‼️ please read this ‼️
TOS applies to any juggalos boyfailvre or DearAngel designs 25f96a86.gif?v=7421cb56


If you put one of my designs on authorization, PLEASE AUTHORIZE ME
- I need to keep track of my designs or I’m most likely going to accidentally reupload them, I have bad memory ☹️
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# do not “resell” my design unless you have added personal art or commissions. (this rule only applies if you got the design through a trade or gift)

# any form of gift / free art ( art trades, owed art, Artfight , gifts, etc. ) does not add on any value to the worth (personal art is alright)

# please do not thumbnail my art or heavily watermark it. (This includes ur own watermarks. If you’re going to thumbnail my art pls give me auth)

# If you want to reupload my art please credit boyfailvre and not this account