


6 months, 5 days ago


Carnihellion 200

Date Claimed:

Obtained by: Myo event 

Belongs to: SavvyRobin 

Age: 35

Height: 5'5 (her shoes give her a couple more inches)

Orientation: Demi

Taken by her husband Joro


Tent: Melody

Acts: Adagio (main) Dancing (secondary) Singing (when she's in the mood for a duet)

✦ **General Likes**・
• Her husband (if you bring him up she'll get all lovey dovey)
• Stars (her room is covered with night sky print as well as every single article of clothing she owns)
• People watching (A hobby she picked up from Joro)

✦ **General DISlikes**・
• The quiet (*much* too unsettling after a while)
• Being alone (even her "me time" includes her ~~stalking~~ being around others)
• Awkward situations (will either shut down mid-conversation or just bolt)

✦ **Personality**・Andy is a rabid little clown, the only times you'll see her calm and collected is when she's performing. She is excitable, energetic, and ready to cause chaos whenever she goes. Not to say she isn't in tune with others and can't get a hold on herself around more settled personalities. Just expect her to dash off the moment they're done hanging out to zoom around.

🎠 **Inventory** •
• Glitter (enjoys throwing it around and watching it fall, is covered with it and so will anyone she touches)
• tiniest balls of yarn
• Notebook and glitter pens (to write letters to Joro, from random bits of her day to heartfelt thoughts of him)


• Very rabid and is raring to go, go, go! Whether it be roughhousing, playing physical games, or climbing trees (and people)

• Bites everyone she loves and has a habit of chewing things in general.

• Developed a habit of people watching through Joro and will climb trees to do it. Refuses to call it weird because she just does it when she's feeling lonely and everyone she talks to is busy. 

• The outfit she wears while performing is a wholly different vibe from her day to day clothes. It's delicate and elegant. It's like she puts on a persona while she does her acts and the instant she's done, she's back to her usual wild self.

• The usual victims of her chewing are her glitter pens. When they inevitably break in her mouth, she'll whine about it and then continue to gnaw on another one after she rinses out her mouth.

• Has star tattoos on the palms of her hands as well as the tops. Has a spider tattoo for Joro on her chest that's usually hidden by her clothes. (She only hides it because she got smacked on the chest by someone once because they thought it was a real spider)