Cuga the Druid



5 months, 5 days ago


Cuga is a Druid in the circle of the land. He suffers from schizophreni, and due to this state he has been outed as an outcast from A young age. His hallucinations never growing any better, he relied on nature itself and his own ability to learn in order to become a true Druid. With this, he understands nature to the fullest as his connection to the woods is greater than any connection with people he will ever have, his Druidic abilities being stronger then most at the cost of not knowing what his target is due to his schizophrenia.

he has a sword he made himself, though made entirely of wood and usually dull it behaves more like a Bo staff that he also uses as a perch to rest or a high vantage point to scout of surroundings. 

(I based him off of a ceratosaurus in his current design, and ofc raptor claws on his feet because duh) 

basic info/ easy bio: 

- male he/him/they/them

- 20 (Lizardfolk age)

- Ace/Aro

- 7’0 ft

-origin: the mf woods

-voiceclaim: ???