Keibutsu Goya



6 months, 2 days ago


May change the name

Power: FrostFire 

Keibutsu can create flames, which will turn into ice upon contact! The spires take the shapes of fire, as if a flame was frozen in time. The ice has a light blue, turquise and red tint to them, in a similar color gradient to real fire. The more fire/the bigger the fire is, the bigger/more ice will be formed. Overusage will cause his body to cool down untill he experiences frostbite, although it does no damage to him. He can become so cold it becomes hard to move, and will be shivering quite intensely. He can be so cold he stings to the touch. Go further and his body processes slow down to a crawl, making him very slow to react, his speech slurred, until eventually his brain activity go so far down that only the most basic survival things are kept running, such as breathing and blinking. It is almost like a sleep state for him, though he can be wide awake, if unreactive. As he thaws up these effects reverse, and he can be back to himself. These effects do not damage him, though are very uncomfortable to experience.

A friendly though rather insecure person, Keibutsu just wants to do what's right and do it well, although his expectations of himself are either way too high or too low. He either thinks he must be the best, or thinks he's the worst, with barely any inbetween. He is rather insecure about his mannerism and appearance, and worries any compliment given to him is just a weird style of mockery. Make him think he is actually good at something, or cute, or has good taste in clothes, for only to turn around and laugh at him. Any person being very friendly or positive towards him makes him feel intimidated, worrying he can't live up to their energy. Because of this he is very shy and tends to stumble through interactions, all the while worrying that saying too much, or saying the right things, will mark him as a target of mockery. He struggles with trusting people, especially with anything personal about himself. Having been relentlessly mocked for a good portion of his life, by friends, family, teachers, it has left his self confidence in tatters and a deeply embedded fear of mockery. Despite his struggles with socializing, he tries to be friendly to others, not wanting them to ever worry that he'll mock them. He is remarkably good at seeing others for who they really are and accepting that about them, but struggles immensely with having the same kind of acceptance towards himself. He is a very kind and soft hearted person who wears everything on his sleeve despite his best efforts, and wants to become a hero because if there is one profession that wants a kind heart, it's that. Somewhere where maybe he will not be mocked.

Loves deep sea fish. Often feels a strong connection to animals deemed creepy, ugly or weird. Could ramble about deep sea fish for hours, but keeps a tight lid due to his fear of mockery. Reads tons of escapist romance manga. He wishes he could one day have a person like that in his life. Is quite the romantic at heart. Wants someone he could make little gifts for, leave little notes that make them smile, snuggle up to them and enjoy a movie, not feel the pressure to be something, but just to be. For someone to see every hated flaw and still love him. Deep down he yearns for deep connections, to be seen and cared about, to be free of judgement, yet has not experienced much of that, especially from those that are supposed to care about him most.

Likes hot tea and has a weakness for cocoa with marshmallows. Doesn't like the cold much, especially not when it's the one that comes from his power. Loves to be warm and snuggly and wears the biggest scarfs. Tries to hide or freeze when looked at for more than a second, although hiding is hard when your hair is almost neon colored.

Knows Masao, Zensuke, Taro, Penelope and Fuyumi

Keibutsu (景物) means "natural features; scenery; a premium; gift"

Goya (合屋) 合 means "unite, join, fit together." and 屋 means "house, shop, building."