Haze ♡ (Design Notes)



♡ Haze ♡

Design Notes

  • Flower crown not optional. Flower can be any kind, preferably similiar to pansies or roses. The flowers on her body are optional as is the bow on her tail but it is desirable.
  • Her nose and eyes are a pale yellow, with her pupil being a darker shade of yellow as opposes to a regular black. She also has yellow and lavender freckles all over her body.
  • She has a double layer of base colours - white, which stretches across her torso and along the undersides of her tail, legs and arms, up her neck and her head including her ears, and a pale lavender which creates a sort of coat, wrapping around her torso, the rest of her tail and down the outside her arms and legs.
  • Darker lavender stripes cris-cross her entire body where there is pale lavender as well as also having a stripe under her cheeks. The inner fluff of her ears also has this colour.
  • Dark purple leopard spots are dotted on her torso and upper legs, with harsher stripes of this colour lining her arms and the lower half of her legs. The Tips of her ears are fluffy and also this colour. A heart shaped spot sits above her heart:)