Distort Locke



9 months, 18 days ago


What is your character’s full name?: Distort Locke

What is the race of your character? (Examples are in the sapient species channel.): Draconian

What is your character's age?: 22 (Birthday Sept. 24)

Starting Rank: Stone

Give us a physical description of your character.: A 5' 4" mortuusian female covered in ink black scales, rimmed by teal and purple. She has wings, a spiked tail, and partially crystallized horns.

What abilities does your character possess? (You may have up to 3 or type N/A for unused ability slots. You may fill in unused slots at a later date.):

    -Creative Summoner: The ability to draw parts of created objects/living things from another personal dimension that only the user can truly enter (others can enter, but at great           cost) (inorganic Items that are given permission may also enter)

    -Ink Vessel (Dark Transformation): has the ability to change into multiple types of dragons as long as the user has fought and absorbed said dragon into a shadow core.

    -Living Ink (Crystal Imbuement)- has the ability to absorb living organisms and turn them into her own puppets, and can only summon parts of them back into the real world per         portal

Who they know:

-Rezel Submecinaphobia Charin-Caracel Fauna of the Silver Bluff Forge

-Deaconess (Conjurer of light (Asulon Clergy Member)

-Shira (Forest Wanderer)

-Maarika Hämarik (A foolish hunter)

Personality Keys:

Key things:

-has burned down churches

Where are they now?: ???


It is known that Distorte took Slugworth's book of all knowing and now lives in at the top of a mountain.

Distort was once the Royal Librarian of the King and Queen. She came from a royal family who specialized in the preservation of books. Near the beginning of the war, Distort was still sane, still barely covered in ink, when the soldiers burst through the main hall and up the stairs to the king and queen's living quarters. The draconian watched first hand. . . before fleeing with all the books she could carry, including Slugworth's book of all knowing. The ordeal drove her powers to the brink, and she nearly died on the snowy mountaintops. Thankfully, the cold kept her body intact and she held herself with an abandoned mansion from then on, collecting and learning.