


5 years, 10 months ago


Original post
Gender: female
CP: 6
Breeding slots: 2

Dalia is a researcher. she studies nature and writes everything she finds in her journal. her particular range of study is usually bugs or small plants like daisies or mushrooms. really her research is a secondary thing to her full-time job as a forest ranger but she loves to do both. for her job as a ranger she lives in a fire tower half the year and in town the other half of the year. during summer shes in her small tower protecting the park. in the winter, however, shes usually in town in her little old house. acting much like a game warden for the town. she has no particular season she prefers really. both of them have the same not too many people around and both of them have lots of nature work. although she may lean toward summer a little because she doesn't have to freeze her paws off. then again summer sometimes has her cooking under the aluminum roof of the fire tower. so the two seasons are truly even in her eyes.

her fire tower is a rather small building, its one room with a wrap around deck and window. she has one cot and a ham radio on one of her two desks while the other desk is covered in her journals and samples. some of her samples are a bit odd but she assumes that they are likely from a bear or in a strange case of a blob of jelly-like mass, someones food they had dropped and has enough preservatives to not have rotted at all over the years.
her townhouse is an average run down looking one story house. it is very old and hasn't been cleaned or had the lawn mowed in ages to the neighbors dislike. she usually never tends to her own lawn as shes more concerned with monitoring the forest that edges its way into her open backyard. she has a game camera set up on a tree where she can see it and often gets photos of something hanging around the house seemingly just to hang around for the sake of it. shes not sure what to make of it yet. inside her house, she has a few rooms to use. a large dining room with an old long family table that came with the house when she got it. it sits in the middle of the room with a sliding glass door to the backyard at one far end. and an arched entrance into the living room at the opposite end. as well as another arch into the kitchen to the west. the living room is rather small and dark, having dark blue carpet and a milder blue wall. it gives it a cave-like feeling. she has a short couch and an armchair surrounding her little box tv. behind the couch is another arch into the kitchen and directly next to that is a long hallway to her bedroom and bathroom. her kitchen is average with light colored wood cupboards and white appliances, as well as an island that takes up most of the center of the room. down the hall she has a closet, then her bathroom and directly across is her bedroom with a normal bed and another ham radio on her desk.

Dalia is a tough gal, she doesn't mind spending most of her time alone and is very passionate about nature and the creatures there even the weird ones. she won't hesitate to ticket you for anything and never goes easy on someone unless they really can't take care of themselves. despite her tough attitude, she can be kind and means well in what she does. she'll never turely be open to trying dating, she's not sure why. it's just not something that interests her. speaking to people makes her too nervous. her love for animals has led her to foster dogs in the winter months. her work is much slower with no one wanting to leave the house and she finds the company of a small pup to be just what she needs.