Jenna & Cojo



5 years, 10 months ago


Jenna Estrada

AGE 26
RACE African American
GENDER Cis Female
ORIENT. Lesbian


Extroverted Introverted

Intuitive Observant

Thinking Feeling

Judging Prospecting


"I won't tell ya again, Darlin'."

  • Confident: Very high self-esteem.
  • Blunt: Isn't one to beat around the bush or omit harsh truths.
  • Laidback: Very go-with-the-flow attitude.
  • Fearless: Isn't easily intimidated.
  • Upfront: Sets boundaries and expects them to be respected.
  • Sarcastic: Has a very dry sense of humor.
  • Mischievous: Loves to tease and rile people up. Usually happy to just watch chaos unfold from the sidelines.
  • Neutral: Doesn't often have strong opinions one way or the other.
  • Reckless: Prone to over-estimating her own abilities.
  • Selfish: Doesn't usually do things just out of the goodness of her heart.
  • Unmotivated: A bit lazy.


  • Birthday: January 3.
  • Designed all her own tattoos and did Cojo's herself.
  • Has a very thick Southern accent.
  • Has an incredible poker-face and is excellent at cards.


  • Tattoos/tattooing
  • Designing art
  • Home-cooked meals
  • Cold coffee drinks
  • Making out with her girlfriend


  • Stupid people
  • Excessive physical exercise
  • Her loved ones being threatened

Design Notes


  • Height: 6'0
  • Weight: Around 140 lbs
  • Skin colour: Dark brown
  • Eye colour: Hazel
  • Hair colour: Naturally black, but she often dyes it into different colours like white, blue, or purple
  • Guardian Mark: S-shaped brand on her left arm


  • Usually wears her hair in dreads, which are long enough to reach her waist
  • Lanky; she's all limbs
  • Flat-chested
  • Long face with a fairly skinny nose
  • Thick eyebrows
  • Usually wears quite a bit of makeup


  • A neon rainbow tree goes down her left shoulder; the roots curl around her Guardian mark
  • Her right arm is a sleeve with heavy lines and abstract patterns
  • An elaborate black panther bearing its fangs winds down her back
  • A minimalistic pug on her left ankle

Jewelry & Piercings

  • Multiple ear piercings up her lobe; usually wears hoops
  • Silver eyebrow studs and lip ring
  • Lots of jangle bracelets
  • Choker
  • Wears a single gold promise ring from Emma

Typical Outfit

  • Leather jacket; prefers her white one
  • Form-fitting tank-tops
  • Tight leggings or skinny jeans
  • Army boots


Early Life

Jenna was born to a large family of six younger siblings in the South. Her family ran a small, hometown bakery. While they were relatively poor, their family was comfortable and full of love and support.

The knowledge of Guardians has been passed down in their family through the generations, but due to the highly religious and oblivious nature of their hometown, they always kept associations with their Guardians within their household.

Teenage Years

When she was a young teen, Jenna both fell in love with art and her best friend, Emma. When the other girl's mother passed away, the Estrada family didn't hesitate to take her in. Living under the same roof, Jenna became even more attached to Emma, and they officially started dating when they were fifteen.

Young Adulthood

When Rage rebels came to their hometown, looking for recruits, Jenna's family was quick to turn them away. They were not interested in getting involved, and simply wanted to make their living as they always had.

The rebels were not happy about it. Under threat of burning down her family home and harming her family, Jenna offered herself as a recruit to spare them. In the middle of the night, without telling her family, she left; Emma was the only one to know her deal with the Rage, and insisted on following Jenna into the war.

They have been apart of the Rage organization since their earlier twenties; since then, they have not seen their family, for fear of what could happen to them if the Rage officials thought they were deserting. Over time, Jenna's anger died down, and she now doesn't mind fighting in the war (although she does not like the group she is fighting with, and is quick to join the Ascendants once she is assured of her family's safety).

She's set up a tattoo shop at the underground Rage base, and makes quite a bit of money there, that she discreetly sends home to help keep her family afloat and to assure them of her and Emma's well-being.


Cojo Guardian

Jenna's Guardian and best friend.


AGE 26
SPECIES Black Panther
ROLE Guardian


Extroverted Introverted

Intuitive Observant

Thinking Feeling

Judging Prospecting


"Can y'all quiet down."

  • Confident: Very self-assured in himself.
  • Observant: Aware of things going on around him.
  • Collected: Usually stoic and thoughtful.
  • Fearless: Not easily intimidated.
  • Commanding: Used to taking control or caring for others.
  • Intimidating: Does not appear outwardly friendly or approachable.
  • Agile: Easily weaves through both conversations and situations.
  • Introverted: While tolerating groups of people, he much prefers to be left alone.
  • Reckless: Over-estimates his abilities.
  • Short-tempered: Can be quick to snap if he's continually bothered. More leniant with children, though.
  • Smug: A sore winner AND loser.


  • Has a southern accent like Jenna, but it's much more subtle.
  • Likes to really spread out and does not care about invading other people's spaces to do so.
  • A complete pushover when faced with Winston.


  • Sunbathing & napping
  • Nightfall
  • Cold coffee drinks
  • Helping Jenna with her art


  • Country music
  • Excessive pestering

Design Notes


  • Height: 70cm
  • Weight: 150 lbs
  • Fur colour: Rich black
  • Eye colour: Yellow


  • Stocky in build
  • Buff
  • Spot patterns are very subtle


  • Token: A massive neon tree spreads down his back, reaching from his neck to the base of his tail

Jewelry & Piercings

  • Multiple ear piercings; usually gold hoops


Early Life

Cojo has always been close to Jenna. He helped her raise their younger siblings, and was something of a mentor to the younger Guardians. While he is undeniably brave and strong, it still has given him a bit of an ego.

Teenage Years

Cojo actively encouraged Jenna's creative expressions, and the pair of them would often get in trouble for graffiti or covering their own bodies in paints.

He was a bit startled to realize Jenna's feelings for Emma and it took him some time to adjust. Eventually though, he'd become smitten with Emma's Guardian, Winston, whom had previously annoyed him.

Young Adulthood

Cojo was a lot more inclined to fight the Rage rebels that threatened their family, but eventually agreed with Jenna to join the recuiters to pacify them. If he's being honest, he quite prefers the life they have now; he enjoys the tattoo shop and doesn't mind the occassional scrap.

While he loved their family, they were also slightly smothering, and he prefers the lack of responsibility their new life now gives them. He is also usually fine just having Jenna, Emma, and Winston for company.


Jenna Master

Cojo's Master and best friend.