Duchess Lucinda of Stewington



6 months, 19 days ago


Duchess Lucinda of Stewington


  • Species: Anthropomorphic Fox
  • Age: Mature and regal
  • Height: Tall and statuesque
  • Build: Graceful and dignified
  • Fur: Luxurious and rich, a mixture of golden and russet hues
  • Eyes: Warm amber, with a sparkle of wisdom and kindness
  • Attire: Elegantly adorned in flowing gowns and adorned with intricate jewelry, reminiscent of Wonderland's opulence


  • Motherly: Duchess Lucinda exudes a nurturing aura, caring for those in her realm with a gentle yet firm demeanor.
  • Strong-willed: Beneath her sweetness lies a formidable strength and determination, much like the iron will of a queen.
  • Sweet: Her kindness and warmth are ever-present, a soothing presence in the whirlwind of Wonderland's eccentricities.
  • Regal and Poised: Her movements are graceful, and her presence commands respect, mirroring the elegance of her station.

Character Traits:

  • Maternal Wisdom: Known for her sage advice and guidance, much sought after by denizens of Wonderland.
  • Graceful Authority: Exhibits authority with grace, never resorting to harshness but commanding respect effortlessly.
  • Love for Wonder: Finds joy and fascination in the peculiarities and marvels of Wonderland, embracing its quirks and mysteries.


  • Tea Parties: Often hosts extravagant tea parties filled with lively conversation and sumptuous delicacies.
  • Gardening: Finds solace and delight in tending to the vibrant and magical gardens of Stewington.


Duchess Lucinda, a figure of elegance and kindness, reigns over Stewington with a motherly touch. Her wisdom and caring nature make her a beloved figure among the inhabitants of Wonderland. Her estate is a haven of beauty and serenity, where visitors are welcomed with open arms and warm tea.

Known Furs:

Queen-Chan (the queen of hearts)

Knave-Chan (princess of hearts)

Shiori Sprinkleswirl


Patience "Cookie" Stewington (Oldest Daughter)

Charlotte Grinsenfeldt (Adoptive Daughter, made up her own surname as Grinsenfeldt)

Peggy Stewington (Youngest daughter)