Sagan's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

aferael Global Rules
  • Upon initial receipt of design, you may only resell designs bought with currency for what you initially paid for them! For designs without cash offers or purchased with species currency, they are trade only unless stated otherwise. For mixed offers (RLC + art), you may request up to the cash amount but also take art with it (it does not increase the sale value)
  • Once the design has additional art, you may resell for however much you’d like! All my designs list what art they were sold with. If it came with extra art from me (including but not limited to multiple forms, autobuy art, and special bonus art) it does not count towards this, but it does count if you commission me or I draw the character after purchase!
  • All designs, after purchase and unless stated otherwise, are allowed to have edits made to them as long as I am credited for the original design.
  • Please do not make edits to the original artwork on your own! I am more than happy to make edits after purchase if you contact me, although there may be a small fee for larger, more intensive edits! I also am willing to offer redesigns myself, but you’d want to contact me directly for estimates and the like.
  • For designs from/for an original species (closed, semi-open, open), if they have their own ToS, I generally adopt what theirs is if it is stricter than mine! That being said, where applicable, my designs are OK to be voided per their rules.
  • For one-off designs (not from some form of original species), you are allowed to make either alternate versions or convert them into an original species! The rules for design credit and image editing still apply. If you do the design yourself, depending on species regulations, I do not have to be credited on the master list entry as long as I’m still credited on the character profile
If there is any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly!!