Aslan's Comments

Hi is this guy still up for offers? I could offer 85$ usd

Yeah he is! I’ll send you a dm with the PayPal info!

Sale only or would you consider a trade? 🤍

I’m mainly looking for resale! I did look through your th but didn’t see anyone I would use! He’s worth $100, but I would gladly look at offers of $80-85!

Sadly I can’t offer USD at this time. You are more than welcome to look the crowbiites too! Or I can offer art! Anywho- thanks for getting back to me though!!

I didn’t see anyone there either, only dude I liked isn’t up for offers. We can definitely talk about art! If you wanna hmu on telegram or another platform for examples, I’d definitely consider it! 

Yeah of course! I’m cool with telegram! My user is Soymutt!

Hey are they still up for offers!


Are you able to hold them? I don’t get paid until the 6th!

Yeah, I can do it! But if you're 100% sure that you'd buy!

Thank you again for putting them on hold!

Hey I just got paid! If you wanna send me your info to pay for em I’d love to adopt them!!

I just PM you!