
Gender: Female

Age: ???

Birthday: February 18th

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Green

Genie Type: Ancient

Sexual Preference: Pansexual

Loves: Colored Pearls, Fireworks

Hates: Her bottle being lost at sea

    Not much is known about Lilja. Some think she was a Elf before, but she's an ancient. Some think she use to be a harem dancer, but she has no memory. The only hit that anyone has is the fact she remembers staring up in the night sky, when the moon was bigger & the air felt fresher. She does do some belly dancing for fun, though some masters might of made her do that too. She's known for having this shyness, often having having her hands in front of her chest and playing with her fingers, as she sways her hips a bit side to side.