
Gender: Female

Age: 21

Hair color: Brunette

Eye color: Green

Tail Color: Green

Sexual Preference: Straight

Loves: Dancing, ???, ???

Hates: Sticky stuff, ???, ???

    Christine used to be an average person in a suburban town. Until she wanted to try belly dancing at the age of 14, because she heard it was a fun exercise. After a while, she noticed that it tends to grab the attention of many people. But, due to her schedule at the time, she made a deal with a Naga Goddess, asking for the ability to be a fantastic belly dancer. The goddess agreed, not revealing the curse that laid with her gift. Every time she belly dances, she slowly becomes a naga. And if she dances for too long, she can't change back into a human. After 4 years of trying to hide it, she tried to practice a bit in her room, only to not keep track of the time and turn fully into a naga, with no way of changing back. 

    She is currently living in an apartment, away from many people, to avoid people noticing her. Though, those who do spot her, see her dancing in the moonlight, giving her the nickname of "The Moonlit Serpent". She does debate about staying in an urban city... or to go look for that Goddess's home... and the thought of going to it only made it more desirable over time. Not long after she was 19, she ended up getting a job at The Ririsu. Her reputation as well as an opening for a naga belly dancer created the opportunity for her to dance her heart out in front of many people and get paid for it easily. It's not hard to find her late at night on the stage anymore, she gladly lives in the moonlit spotlight.