Kaylee Allen




 Kaylee Allen
 Kaylee | Farang (don't actually call me this) 


17 (y.o.)


female (she/her)

lesbian ace

A seemingly "normal" girl attending paracosmic academy

She has red eyes, and black-red hair.





shy | smart | insecure | emotional | hot-headed (?)

  • Pokémons:
I'd love to learn more about these creatures, Thankfully the school lets me keep them at my dorm. (even though they're not exactly from this universe or whatever)

  • Sprigatito:
She's.. THE.. CUTEST!!! I can't BELIEVE something as cute as her exists! I wish I could take her for walks outside the school though.

  • My Friends:
After so many years of not fitting in, I've finally found friends! Everyone is so nice to me.

  • KFC:
chicken in me mouth. me happy.

  • Video Games:
It's fun, it's like movies but you actually get to be the main character, some might say I'm addicted but I don't really care lol.


  • Talking to strangers
Everytime I try to, I feel like my heart's beating fast and I couldn't catch my breathe. I hate the feeling.

  • Sour Food
it's sour

  • Bike Taxi Driver
There's that one time where I had a panic attack and then I heard them talking about me behind my backs. Ever since then, I've always been kinda scared of them.

Special Abilities: :
She may not know it yet but she's one of the universe's many manifestation as conciousness, Known among school personnels as a "Persona", the most common way of identifying personas are by their eyes and hair, as most personas have increases in pheomelanin and carotenoids and changes to their melanin amounts.

DO NOT let her discover her power, As personas draw their strength from a shared cosmic energy. The more Personas that are awakened, the more this energy is divided among them.

If she were to discover her power, it would not only awaken her own latent abilities but it could also alert other dormant Personas to their potential. The resulting power dilution would not only affect the Personas themselves but also the delicate balance of reality itself, creating a gradual unraveling of the universe.

  • half thai-american
  • eyes turned red when she was 15
She's a half Thai/American teenage girl from Los Angeles, Her first 12 years were shaped by the bustling streets and diverse culture of LA. However, life took an unexpected turn when her family had to relocate to Thailand.

Adjusting to the new country proved challenging, with her Caucasian appearance earning her the label "Farang" from her classmates. The struggle to connect left her feeling isolated during her early years in Thailand.

After three challenging years, Her eyes suddenly turned a striking crimson color one morning and her parents were contacted by the mysterious Paracosmic Academy. When Kaylee's parents were contacted by the academy, they were initially hesitant, but the promise of a place where their daughter could truly belong was too compelling to ignore.

This institution, hidden from the public eye, specialized in educating students with unique abilities and characteristics. Where real anthropomorphic animals, catboys and other oddities coexisted.

As Kaylee stepped through the gates of Paracosmic Academy for the first time, her apprehension slowly gave way to a sense of wonder and belonging. It was here that she met Haru Hajime Allen, a fellow student with eyes that mirrored her own crimson hue. Haru's unwavering belief that Kaylee was his counterpart from another universe initially left her skeptical, as their personalities seemed to be polar opposites. Yet, despite the cosmic claims, Kaylee found herself drawn to Haru's infectious energy and genuine friendship.

They soon found themselves sharing a room on the school campus. Through late-night conversations and shared experiences, Kaylee began to see the world through Haru's eyes, and the idea of parallel universes and cosmic connections no longer seemed so far-fetched.

 Haru Hajime Allen 
 friend? brother??? 
Haru is... well, it's hard to put into words. He's my cosmic twin I guess?, my best friend, and the one person who truly understands me in this crazy world we've found ourselves in. Sometime he feels more like a big brother than a friend honestly.. And also in his universe somehow he's half japanese instead of thai. weird..

01 and I have this weird friendship that I can't quite put my finger on. My social anxiety often gets the best of me, and I find myself struggling to initiate conversations with her. We can sit in silence for hours, lost in our own thoughts, But then, out of nowhere, we'll suddenly launch into the most intense, meaningful conversations. It's like we're on the same wavelength, even if we don't always show it.

Watching her with Haru is a whole different story, though. It's like a comedy sketch unfolding before my eyes. She's got zero patience for his antics and isn't afraid to let him know it, with her constant eye-rolling and sarcastic jabs.
code by wren_song