


4 months, 26 days ago



NAME Solus Regalia
ALIAS Hiraeth
AGE ???
RACE Hiros (Browbird)
STATUS Schrödinger's cat

Hiraeth is a very social hiros, love being around other people and craves their attention, while friendly it's not easy to earn his full trust, but when you do he's loyal until the end. He knows what it is like when you are vulnerable and knowing no one is coming to help, so while he was thrust upon being a hero without regard towards his preferences, he enjoys what he does, helping people, sadly a lot of the time in detriment of his own health.

While he's usually surrounded by people he feels lonely and craves closer relationships, but his job takes so much of his time he can't form meaningful relationships.A part from that another consecuence of his job is that he doesn't really get to rest, which means he's usually very tired and sometimes his life can get overwhelming, ut even at those times he keeps on smiling because he doesn't want to bother others.


Friendly • Loyal • Hard-working


Obedient • Stubborn • People-Pleaser


Inflexible • Pig-headed • Clingy



Hiraeth is rather short Hiros with a militaristic rigid posture most of the time.



He is rather built, but still kind of lean since he values speed rather than sheer strenght, with his lower stature being slippery suit him better. Usually has windswept hair and bags under his eyes.

Scars & Marks

His whole body is peppered with scars. His right leg is especially bad and it looks like it's been shredded




During his missions he wears like armor and when not working he wears light clothes with an open back to make room for his wings.

HEIGHT A bit short
BODY SHAPE Inverted triangle
BUILD Ectomorph
AESTHETIC Tragic hero/Corrupted purity
  • He likes to nap on trees.
  • His dream is to be a teacher.
  • He's an amazing cook.
  • he dislikes water and rain because his wings get waterlogged and they are a pain to dry and very unconfortable.
  • He has dimples when he smiles.
  • Vivamus ultrices orci id sem pulvinar, ut aliquam erat venenatis. Aenean accumsan mi ut felis accumsan, vitae mattis velit feugiat.


"Nothing quite like being around others."
  • Helping people
  • Teaching
  • Naps
  • Cuddles
"Quote in relation to the list below."
  • Exploration
  • Potion theory
  • Cooking
  • Flying
"I'm annoyed and my day is ruined."
  • Loneliness
  • Pain
  • Water/Rain
  • Selfishness
"Quote in relation to the list below."
  • Burning smell
  • That one asshole
  • Information
  • Information

"I always give my everything."


Hiraeth is from a wealthy family, he had a loenly childhood until he met Näcken when they were children, they argued a lot, but they were all they had. Until another child joined and they started all hanging out with him, ironically the insertion of someone else caused friction between Hiraeth and Näcken for his attention, they spent a lot of time in his house after they got in a lot of trouble. When they joined a prestigious school their rift became even bigger and they barely spent time together, this still didn't stop Hiraeth from offering him refuge from his awful family in the apartment he was given by his heroing job when he turned 15. This caused the rift to close in the privacy of their home, outside they still argued a lot. After finishing school he continued his job, helping people wherever he's sent to. He's still in contact with Näcken and he sends him magical herbs for his potions.


He was inducted into a hero organization after he awoke his fire aspect when he was 10. But what awoke taht aspect in him? Being kidnapped by two men who wanted money and tought kidnapping a rich child would get them a lot, but Hiraeth parents didn't care for him so they kept telling them to shove off and stop bothering them. Tired of waiting the kidnappers gave up and tried killing Hiraeth, but it was then his aspect woke and he ended up burning them to death. Something that still hunts him to this day.

A hero team that were hunting those kidnappers found him crying next to his kidnappers and took him to tehir organization where he was intimidated into joining them. They liked training young kids to shape them into working machines. This is where he met That One Asshole (TOA). At first he seemed nice, until Hiraeth started to become very popular with his superiors because of his obedience, this woke up TOA's jelousy and he began a bullying campaign, to the point he shredded Hiraeth's leg in an attempt to make him unable to work anymore, but it didn't work and he recuperated his leg movility with minimal pain. Hiraeth couldn't really do anything about him because TOA's family was powerful and therefore untouchable, even his superiors told him to let it go.


In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cras ut orci tellus. Vestibulum consectetur mauris ac massa consectetur tincidunt. Praesent vehicula mi non diam porttitor, in feugiat urna consectetur. Aenean interdum risus ut vestibulum congue. Sed condimentum diam erat, sit amet consectetur nisi lacinia sit amet. Suspendisse ultrices malesuada faucibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Maecenas nisl felis, convallis sit amet ante eget, suscipit lacinia est. Nullam bibendum congue est ac ullamcorper.

Cras lacus nibh, egestas eget mauris facilisis, pulvinar viverra dui. Duis volutpat nulla sit amet sem semper sagittis. Fusce ac purus id leo suscipit cursus. Nam a semper magna. Morbi quis neque odio. Integer tristique fermentum diam eget tincidunt. Nunc condimentum massa a vestibulum dapibus. Proin volutpat quis arcu nec lobortis.

[chilhood frenemies to ????]

Näcken and Hiraeth's relationship is complicated, they trust each other implicitly and they know things about each other that no one else knows, but they have different views of the world that make them clash. They annoy each other, but they care deeply about the other.


Integer nec tellus sapien. Nullam accumsan mollis cursus. Pellentesque sollicitudin, urna vel imperdiet fringilla, mauris lorem dapibus sem, ut fringilla turpis sem in tellus. Sed eu finibus elit, quis varius odio. Donec id tortor laoreet, eleifend augue consectetur, lobortis odio. Aenean non maximus risus, sed sodales lorem. Sed bibendum, dolor ut lacinia bibendum, purus erat gravida metus, sed suscipit nisl dolor vitae tortor. In posuere et nisl eu viverra.


Vestibulum quam libero, cursus vitae efficitur et, pretium vitae erat. Nulla maximus, eros at laoreet tristique, ipsum neque condimentum nisl, sed tristique purus ex non libero.