


9 months, 14 days ago


Member of the Seven Demons of Purgatory, Ranked 2nd

She represents the sin of Pride

Her Aspect of Pride ability causes those she touches to lose all worth and confidence in themselves to the point of not being able to fight back

she uses this ability to kidnap people for experiments

She can has numerous cybernetic implants and can plug her tail into anyone to send a high voltage shock through their bodies

she can also plug it into a mech to power it 

She’s eccentric and extremely intelligent, though she tends to fail to notice things at times

She loves to experiment and invent things, and takes high pride in in her successes, often calling her masterpieces her babies

So far one of her biggest accomplishments is the successful cloning of the Nephilim, Lio, the Seven’s main target

though she was unable to grant this clone Lio’s solar based powers, she was, however, able to extract the Essences of her fellow Seven Demon members to grant him some of their powers

unable to deal with the fact that the other members viewed her creation as a failure, she purposefully let slip their plan to eventually dispose of him so he can live