

Name: Vicious

Tribe:Β Rain'wing

Age:Β 9-13Β Dragon Years

Gender:Β Male

Pronouns: He/Him or They/Them

Sexuality:Β Asexual Gay


He is curious, loud, and annoying. He is almost always bored- and very selfish while he is. He would do anything to get entertainment, and he's quite childish. His mood can quickly change, and he's quite the attention seeker. He can be angered easily if things don't go his way. He is somewhat afraid of dragons more powerful than him, or those who can control him in one way or another, and isn't fond of other Rain'wings. He enjoys all kinds of drama, such as fighting. He finds it quite funny when another dragon is afraid or confused. He usually keeps his past to himself, and he dislikes talking about his past self, or his family.


His scales cannot change color. Additionally, his venom is quite weak and he doesn't really know how to use it properly.

He is an animus.Β His animus magic is quite powerful, and its unknown how damaged his soul is. His scales are enchanted to be invulnerable.

He isn't exactly powerful aside from his magic- he's somewhat fast and agile, as Rain'wings tend to be, but he doesn't have much combat experience and isn't too strong.


His scales are gray, with a ligher underbelly and wings. His horns are straight, and his talons are fairly short and dull. His wings are somewhat smaller than average. His eyes are a dull, light gray. He is a bit tall, and his limbs are long. He has dark gray spikes lined along his back. His frills are small and have bright, neon-green markings on them. He has the same green under his eyes.


[5 = Average. 1 = Very low. 10 = Incredibly high]

Agility: ●●●●●●●●○○ 8/10

Speed: ●●●●●●●○○○ 7/10

Endurance: ●●●●●●○○○○ 6/10

Physical Strength: ●●●●●○○○○○ 5/10

Intelligence: ●●●●●●●○○○ 7/10

Defense/health: ●●●●●●●●●○ 9/10

He was born into a large family of Rain'wings. But the rainforest was a chaotic place where he lived. It was every dragon for themselves. His parents were harsh, and his sibilings didn't like him. Aside from youngest sister, Valinta, who he would often venture into the rainforest to play, even though their parents disproved of it, knowing the rainforest was dangerous.

One fateful day, the two ventured into the depths of the jungle to explore, and as they played, a terrifying burst of venom would fly in their direction out from the trees. The venom hit Vicious, sizzling and burning his scales. His sister panicked, and despite his terrible pain, managed to push Vicious to get moving. The two ran as fast as they could until they finally reached the safety of their home.

The venom had covered almost his entire body. There seemed to be no hope for him, and he quickly became so weak he could no longer move. Vicious' mother was furious, but she couldn't let her dragonet die. She scraped up all of the few belongings the family had, and hurriedly gave it all to an animus in desperate hopes of having them save him.

As the entire family watched the animus heal Vicious, something more sinister had happened. Something invisible to their eyes. The animus painted Vicious' frills with a shiny, green paint, which was enchanted to heal him. But it was also enchanted to give him... animus powers. The animus' motives were unknown, and it's not known whether they were trying to help the dragonet by giving him powers, or trying to cause more chaos in the rainforest.

But behind everyone's back, their mother made another deal with the animus, making them enchant his sister Valinta so that she could never be close to anyone again without... consequences. She was enchanted to consume the souls of those around her, and the dragon she was around the most, was her brother Vicious.

Over time, his soul was slowly damaged, and he was never aware. He had not even yet discovered his animus powers- and yet his soul was being drained. It made him...different. He changed completely. He turned from a secluded, quiet dragonet, to a confident, energetic one. Even though such a change may seem harmless, he also grew strange tendencies. He always felt.... bored. He now recalled the time he was sprayed with venom as something interesting, and exciting. He wanted more of something similiar.

But he wasn't some kind of masochist- he wanted to watch things....happen to other dragons. Whenever he saw a family member messing up, tripping, or accidently injuring themselves, he didn't feel bad. Not at all. He enjoyed it now. He didn't know why, he just did.

But with his strange behavior, even his sister began to fear him- and with the rest of his family not being the kindest type, he was alone. They didn't want him here. And so he left the rainforest, and despite his change, he felt betrayed by his own kind.

The world outside the rainforest was... odd. He'd go on to explore it for some years, visiting many places. The scorpion den, the Sky'wing arena, the volcano, he had explored far and wide to search for something to satisfy his eternal boredom. He eventually discovered his animus magic, and with that he spiraled down even more, using his powers to mess with dragons and do whatever he wanted.