Neo (Pending)'s Comments

something (might I adopt him?)

I kid, I kid! :3 He's a water spirit who often takes the form of a cat because the gem miners who frequent the cavern he guards will give him scritches if he's fluffy. He likes scritches. And also their ham sandwiches, although they're less willing to give that up.


I like This

I’ll transfer them over to ya

Thank you so much! :3

ANd yw!

Heads up: I might have lost art of him (I unfortunately lost my Flipaclip draft with all my art but beforehand  I uploaded it all onto YT in a 29 minute long video with so much art that I can’t find it between all the 2,000 pieces of FlipaClip arts that last in the video for a second) so IFF I find art of it, I might send it over

I didn’t draw him often though so it’s not a LOTT of art

Just a heads up