ota batch's Comments

Two icons for two examples in my Toy house 

I’d be down for that!

Yes owo

ok hi ignoring how I forgot to respond

would these two be ok to draw?


Do you have other ocs?

yeah! you can look through my ocs iand choose who to draw if you want!


5 Replies

Hi, I'm sorry for the delay with your art. I gave the girls a thumbs up about drawing and I seriously apologize, they're going to cut off my wifi and so I'll take advantage and move forward with your art since I've been busy with studies.

Could you give me more time oor

of course! Please take as much time as you need to ^^

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do you have any examples I could see?:0

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I do, though I’m currently on a dni rn, I can let you know when I’m off it though!! it’s the same as my th user

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hi ignoring how I forgot to reply after a week um, it’d be extra silly if I accepted…(I am)

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This user is not visible to guests.

the full bodies would work if you’re down for that? I can dm you about details later if you’d like :0

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This user is not visible to guests.

yeah! how would y0u like to pay ?

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sorry, I don’t have venmo/cashapp or anything like that </3

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it’s ok!!

I can offer a halfbody and bust in this style!

def considered !! I’m half awake rn but I will updaye when I’m ,not HWHAHS

Rattles but HELP ME I realised I did not specify which chara I was offering on in my initial message (explodes, no clue how I forgot that 😭😭) I was rattling towards 1 teehee

HELP,,, I was about to ask that since…. looks atound

but I forgot HEHEQHW


It’d be really silly if I accepted….. looks around 

RATTLES feel free to lmk the details :3c

RATTLES!!! I’ll dm you about it later… I’m a tad eepy rn

valid! rest well!