


5 years, 9 months ago


"I do not speak for your gods, and you shall not speak for mine."

Inquisitor | Dalish | Archer | Tempest 

Age: between 19 and 22
Gender: Boy
Eyes: Light green
Hair: Blond
Height: ??
Orientation: Pansexual
Personality: Cheerful, diplomatic, adaptive, earnest, stubborn, sheltered/naive.

History: Lavellan grew up during the last Blight and was greatly influenced by the warden (Tall Elf), who was a personal hero to him. He took up archery after her (also lowkey tried to emulate her look pfft) and saw the warden as a sign the Dalish could prosper alongside humans (even tho she actually hated humans in a general sense,,, tho not personally?), if they were willing to put themselves out there. While opens to humans as a whole, he loves the traditions he grew up in.

Though skilled in hunting, he is young, sent to the Conclave only a year after receiving his vallaslin. He does not take to being called Herald and reluctant to be Inquisitor. Though he tries to mediate, he is inexperienced, and leaves a lot of the political stuff to his advisers, preferring much more to tackle hands on stuff.

Major choices: 

  • Doesn't claim to be the Herald of Andraste
  • Inquisition's purpose to maintain order 
  • Allied with the mages
  • Celene is alive, and rules on her own
  • Drinks from the well

Main party/The A Team

  • Cassandra - while they butt heads on religious issues, he admires her strength as a warrior and in her character.
  • Varric - someone who sees him as a genuine person, and not just a figurehead.  
  • Dorian - a mess, a beloved mess.

Romance: Dorian and him have a complicated relationship.(AKA I romanced Dorian half accidentally and went with it.)

It started out with flirting that completely went over Lavellan's head due to language/cultural barriers. Then slowly became reciprocated, but very awkward.

The two also butt heads about slavery in Tevinter - Dorian not understanding how he benefits from slavery, despite not owning any himself and the Dalish's strong belief in freedom. Though never a slave himself, living in the Free Marches, so close to Tevinter, Lavellan's clan was of course attacked by slavers and had several escapees among them.

After confronting Dorian's father, Dorian kissed Lavellan. Lavellan believes they are courting and becomes confused later when Dorian asks for casual sex, saying they are going too fast. Dorian is surprised because he is not use to the idea of being able to have a committed relationship, and Lavellan is confused because he took the flirting to mean Dorian wanted more than just sex. In his clan, people are pretty open about sex (you either screw where everyone can hear you or you get mauled by a bear) but usually it is just a question. Flirting is associated with courting and isn't done as casually.  

Eventually Dorian says he's fine with taking things slow, but is not used to being in a real relationship. While affectionate, things are strained. Dorian's drinking, their age gap, general dispositions, and the strains of being Inquisitor/not having much alone time make for a lot of stress...

They wind up breaking things off a few months after Dorian heads back to Tevinter.

(Insert my Fenris adviser AU here?? Essentially Ace Attorney but Tevinter and Fenris is a grouchy "old" trans dude that wants to punt most of the legal system while Farron bankrolls him and Dorian looks on in awe and horror (mostly horror).)


  • His name literally translates to "like a friend" or "friendly".
  • He always wanted a mabari, like the warden, and was greatly disappointed that none of them took to him while in Ferelden
  • While he sadly could not find a halla to ride, he goes about on a giant purple hart. She is both loud and very noticeable, making her perhaps the most unstealthy mount he could have asked for. He loves her very much though. 
  • He can read common tongue better than speak it. Though he improves greatly when becoming Inquisitor, he still has a hard time with tone and idioms.