

Name: Oviraptor

Tribe:  Sand'wing

Age: 7-9 Dragon Years

Gender: Male

Pronouns: He/Him

Sexuality: Bisexual

He is usually confident and sure of himself, although he can sometimes be annoying. He has a good sense of humor and is a pretty kind dragon. He's usually calm and relaxed, although there's a few things that can stess him out, for example other dragons being hostile toward him, or other dragons being in a bad mood in general. When stressed, he's usually good at hiding it, preferring to try to ease the atmosphere with humor or conversation. He tries to always think positively, even if things aren't the best, and due to this he's pretty happy and content most of the time.


He has basic Sand'wing firebreath. His tail is somewhat more long than averange, and the barb at its tip is an odd shape, resembling a spike or a Hive'wing stinger rather than an actual Sand'wing barb. He is somewhat skilled in manouvering his tail around, and can use it almost like a Rain'wing can use theirs. He isn't the best at combat, even though he is fairly agile and somewhat strong.

He has beautiful golden scales, them being somewhat darker on his back. His underbelly, and the top of his head, are a sand-ish yellow color. His sail is a light orange, spreading from the top of his head to the end of his tail, and it's somewhat fluffy. His horns are a dull, dark brown, and are straight-shaped, and his wings are a really light yellow. The scales at the end of his tail are burned, and he has some small scars around his body. He has lemon-colored, large eyes.


[5 = Average. 1 = Very low. 10 = Incredibly high]

Agility: ●●●●●●●○○○ 7/10

Speed: ●●●●●●○○○○ 6/10

Endurance: ●●●●●○○○○○ 5/10

Physical Strength: ●●●●●●○○○○  6/10

Intelligence: ●●●●●○○○○○ 5/10

Defense/health: ●●●○○○○○○○ 3/10
Ability Strength [Fire]: ●●●●●○○○○○ 5/10

[Side note: I have a 40,000 word story on Wattpad where he is a side/main character. It does explain his backstory in more detail, but isn't really focused on it. If you'd like to read it, you can skip the backstory below to avoid spoilers.] Read here

He was born with two brothers, him being the oldest sibiling. His youngest brother was Wingflap, and the other one was Crossbow The three lived a fairly normal Sand'wing life along with their parents, residing in a medium-sized desert town. The three brothers were quite close, always playing outside for most of the day. Oviraptor had the responsibility to watch out for his two younger sibilings, but things went terribly wrong when the three dragonets were out playing.

Crossbow and Wingflap found places to hide as they prepared for a fun game of hide-and-seek. But Oviraptor got distracted, and instead of searching for his brothers, chased after a lizard and accidently tripped over another dragonet. He fell onto the young dragonet, and being much larger than it, crushed it to death. But the dragonet was a royal, the precious child of the Sand'wing Queen, Oxalaia. Crossbow and Wingflap watched as it all happened, staying in their hiding places out of fear.

The Sand'wing Queen was furious, and even wanted to execute Oviraptor at first, but fortunately the Queen's guard managed to convince her to just throw him into the Sand'wing prison. Oviraptor would live in that prison for a year or two, it was certainly a bit miserable, but he still held hopes that his family was doing alright and that he'd meet them again. Although, what he did not know, is that his family had been banished from the Kingdom to punish them for what he had done.

Though, after some time in the prison, he would be sold off to the largest prison in Pyrrhia, the Sky'wing prison. The place where prisoners would regularly be killed in the arena to entertain crowds that gathered from all around the world to watch the spectacle. He was put into a cell with a Sea-Night'wing named DarkShark, and he was also now neighbours with a strange hybrid named AzureShard and a Sea'wing named Pristine.

Him being moved to this prison actually somewhat excited him, as there wasn't really any friends he made back in the Sand'wing prison, and now he had the opportunity to interact with dragons his age. His excitement and laid-back attitude seemed to annoy his cellmate, DarkShark, although over time they got more used to each other.

An unfortunate thing happened soon after, though, and he was put into the arena with AzureShard, who was actually the "champion" of the arena. But Oviraptor had no idea how to fight, and he didn't want to. He was terrified, and he didn't know what to do. But AzureShard had a different plan, he wanted to do the fight- but make sure not to harm Oviraptor too badly, and that the Sand'wing should pretend to be hurt more than he actually was so he'd be dragged back into his cell.

But Oviraptor still refused to fight, he wasn't the kind of dragon to fight anyone, especially not someone he knew, even if the fight was somewhat faked. AzureShard seemed to be frustrated by this, and took the matter into his own talons, pouncing at Oviraptor and biting his tail not too badly. Oviraptor, startled by this, accidently clawed at the hybrid, only causing the other dragon to become more angered. AzureShard attacked again, but this time bit Oviraptors' tail harder, and got so carried away that he breathed some fire onto it, causing Oviraptor's scales to begin burning and charring.

The Sand'wing finally got free of the other dragon's grasp, his tail hurting terribly as he collapsed and curled up on the ground. Fortunately, at this, AzureShard immedietly stopped the attack, realizing what he'd done. Oviraptor passed out from the pain, but was luckily dragged back to his cell without further injury.

DarkShark was furious at AzureShard after what he'd done to Oviraptor, although the Sand'wing insisted it was all a big misunderstanding, he didn't want the two to be upset. He went on to somewhat recover, although the end of his tail remained scarred from the fire. Ever since that, DarkShark still herd a grudge against the dragon that Oviraptor had to fight.

After some other events down in the prison, though, Oviraptor and DarkShark's neighbours just... disappeared. They were both dragged out of the prison, and Oviraptor and DarkShark never saw them again, but they later heard rumors that AzureShard had escaped and was now a wanted criminal in the Sky'wing Kingdom. DarkShark seemed to believe that AzureShard had betrayed everyone, as she expected him to since the fight with Oviraptor. The Sand'wing didn't want to believe it, though, knowing that surely AzureShard wouldn't have done that, but he couldn't think of another explanation, and he was quite conflicted because of it all.

Oviraptor and DarkShark would remain down in the prison for a long time to come, their story yet to continue.