

Name: Pristine

Tribe:  Sea'wing

Age:  7-8 Dragon Years old

Gender: Female

Pronouns: She/Her

Sexuality: Asexual Bisexual


She's friendly and somewhat energetic dragon, some may view her as annoying. She can read other dragons fairly well, and usually knows when to give them space. She often puts other dragons before her, even too much, sometimes causing more harm than good. She always tries to be positive and optimistic even in the worst situations, although there's times where she may lose hope. She is usually more calm overall than an average dragon, although not exceptionally much.

She has no abilities, aside from having gills to breathe like the usual Sea'wing does. She's somewhat fast and agile, more than most Sea'wings, although she isn't the strongest physically. She is, however, an excellent swimmer. She's an amazing fisher, whether it be fishing in the ocean and chasing after fish, or catching them in a river. She has sharp, long talons that can make a good weapon if needed, although she isn't exactly a fan of combat.


She has dull green scales, with her underbelly being a lighter shade of the green. The top of her head and horns are a slightly darker green. Her sail is large, and she has it both on her back, and her underbelly, and it's colored purplish-pink. She has light pink bioluminescent scales, four on her head, multiple on her underbelly, and a few around her limbs and tail. She wears a thin, golden chain necklace on her neck. She has intense lime-green eyes. She is ever so slightly larger than the average Sea'wing.


[5 = Average. 1 = Very low. 10 = Incredibly high]

Agility: ●●●●●●●○○○ 7/10

Speed: ●●●●●●●○○○ 7/10

Endurance: ●●●●●○○○○○ 5/10

Physical Strength: ●●●●●○○○○○  4/10

Intelligence: ●●●●●●●○○○ 7/10

Defense/health: ●●●●●○○○○○ 5/10

[Side note: I have a 40,000 word story on Wattpad she is included in as a side/main character. All of her backstory is covered in this story, so if you'd like to read the story, you can skip reading the backstory below to avoid spoilers.]Read here

She was born in a group of nomadic criminals, the group consisted of her Sea'wing family and relatives- but also another, larger, family of Ice'wings. The group weren't just simple petty criminals, they were some of the most skilled and dangerous thieves and assassins in all of Pyrrhia.  They were nearly uncatchable, and undetectable. Their main targets were dragons transporting wealthy items, although other criminals sought to find them in order to hire them to assassinate someone.

But Pristine was never the dangerous, violent dragon that the group needed her to be. Although they often commited terrible crimes, she never actually got to witrness many of them due to her simply being too young to join in and help. Most of the dragons in the group were quite grumpy and distant, although the one she was always close with was her older brother Spire. Spire was in a position similar to her- he wasn't great at committing crimes, but instead, he was useful for the group thanks to his exceptional fishing and cooking skills. He provided them with delicious, nutritious meals even when the group was in the most deserted, rough places.

As she grew up, though, the group really needed her to start doing her part of being a criminal. A plan was made for her to join in the next theft, where she'd go along with her mother, and a few other dragons to attempt to steal from a pair of traveling Sky'wing who were transporting crates filled to the brim with valuable jewelry through a forest. The group set up camp in the same forest, and they waited for a few days for the Sky'wings to pass nearby.

Then, finally, when the time came, the group ventured out toward the unsuspecting Sky'wings. Pristine was quite nervous, it was finally the time to prove she could be useful to her family and not just a burden. They arrived at the location, and there they were. The two Sky'wings were alseep right in a opening in the forest, just as expected. It was her turn now.

Pristine anxiously sneaked closer and closer to the sleeping dragons, approaching the crates and barrels filled with valuables. She was shocked she even got that far. Her family watched from the treeline as she reached inside one of the barrels, pulling out a shiny necklace made of gold. But as she did so, one of the Sky'wing suddenly woke up, snarling at the dragonet. and pushing her to the ground. She gasped, clutching the necklace in her talons as the Sky'wing woke the other up.

She looked up at the red dragons in utter terror, unsure of what to do. The Sky'wings were confused for a moment as well, and eventually made their decision. They weren't going to kill her, that was a relief, but she wasn't lucky either. One of the Sky'wings grabbed the crates an the barrels, the other grabbing Pristine by her tail and easily held her up despite her struggles. She called for help, seeing her mother and the other dragons frozen in place, still in hiding, not moving an inch to even try to help her.

The Sky'wings opened their wings and took into the air, taking the dragonet with them. No matter how much she tried to get free, nothing seemed to work, and nobody seemed to help. The two Sky'wings would bring her to the Sky'wing Kingdom, causing her to be thrown into the dungeon for attempted theft, but ironically, they weren't even aware she'd actually stolen something, and she got to keep the necklace. She was shocked at first, but she quickly managed to calm herself. Her family knew what happened. She was convinced they would come back for her. The group was powerful, surely they could break in to save her, her mother wouldn't just abandon her, right?

In the prison, she met three other dragonets, one being the one she was in the same cell with, a hybrid named AzureShard, the other two being neighbours of the cell, a Sand'wing named Oviraptor and a Sea-Night'wing named DarkShark. Despite being stuck here now, she tried to remain positive, even as she learned about the horrors of the prison.

Days passed, she could clearly tell that the other prisners weren't as positve as her. Her cellmate was clearly annoyed by her presence, and her two neighbours seemed to have some troubles getting along as well. She did her best not to lose hope, knowing that her family could be working right now to rescue her.

Over time, though, that hope did quickly diminish. The dragons around her were often forced to fight in the infamous arena, her cellmate was often dragged out of the cell only to return with injuries and wounds, and one time, Oviraptor, one of the two neighbours, had to fight AzureShard and came back with terrible burns on his tail. Things quickly spiraled downhill from there. DarkShark seemed to silently despise AzureShard for what he'd done to Oviraptor, and Pristine had no idea what to do, as she wasn't even there to witness what happened in the arena.

Even though the four dragonets grew close at times, it never seemed to last. And there was no sight of her family, and Pristine gave up on the idea of waiting to be freed, they had to escape, that was the only way.

Though, there was much more to come. Pristine learned that AzureShard was going to be sold off to the Night'wings to become a soldier in a war between the Night'wings and Ice'wings, and that he had to pass a combat test before doing so, and if he failed, no dragon could know what terrible things that could cause. Pristine set her mind to finding an escape- but she wasn't the only one, Oviraptor and DarkShark seemed to have had their failed escape attempts as well.

But... there never was enough time. The combat test finally came, and Pristine was convinced she'd never get to see AzureShard again. But, she did, when the Sky'wings for the first time made her fight in the arena as well, and they made her fight him. Neither of them wanted to fight, they were both shocked at what was happening. The arena was so well-protected, guards everywhere, no escape even seemed remotely possible.

When they just stood there unable to decide what to do, the royalty watching above, the Sky'wing Queen and the Night'wing King and Queen, quickly grew inpatient. The Night'wings' royal advisor had a trick up his sleeve, though, and pulled out a mysterious marble. An animus-enchanted item.

The advisor did something with the item, causing something very strange to happen. AzureShard began to move toward her, despite saying that he wasn't trying to move. He was being controlled. Neither of them knew what to do, but when the other dragon suddenly lunged at Pristine, she just barely dodged.

The attack continued, despite neither of them wanting it to. It was painstakingly long, Pristine kept trying to avoid the attacks, but there was nothing she could do. She wasn't experienced at combat, and she didn't want to harm him. Eventually... she hit the wall, injuring her leg. AzureShard still seemed to be unable to control his body at all, breathing blasts of fire toward her multiple times.  Pristine was getting exhausted, and so it happened. One of the blasts of fire flew right toward her, and she was too tired and injured to avoid it. It burned her terribly.

When the smoke cleared, she could barely move. She was becoming weaker each second. The control over AzureShard faded away, but it was too late. Pristine knew that it was it. Her family wasn't coming to save her, it never was, and she wasn't ever going to escape. It was all futile. However, she still held a glint of hope, and with all her strength she told the other dragon to escape the prison at all costs, so at least he could be free. Then, she could no longer stay awake, and her eyes closed, and that was it. A small mistake led to a terrible fate, if only she didn't wake up those Sky'wings back when she was free.