Puppy's Comments

i wanna hold his liddle pawbs.....

YES....... he has such delightful cuddly vibes.....

Hello! I like this design a lot - upon looking in the comments I can see you actually only just bought it lmao, but if you ever decide to sell I'd definitely offer $85 or so (depending on if more art gets added ofc). Not asking for a ping but I'll keep an eye!

hi there! i actually couldnt connect as much as i thought i could so if you are interested in em go ahead and message me ur paypal!

Oh lovely! Messaging you now!

hi I’d love to buy this guy!

Howdy yes!! https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/rogueyote/70 Send money to here and I’ll transfer them as soon as I’m available!

Money sent!



You would notify me if selling or trading them !

I dont do those but for future reference, i did pay like.. $70 for him, if i can redesign him i might consider ?
