


5 years, 11 months ago


- 17, she/her, lop-eared rabbit

- volunteers at a hospital in the rough side of town, real shady stuff, mostly tends to gruesome injuries resulting from violent crime such as gunshots, stabbings, etc

- but some patients are admitted in secret, bearing injuries with no provided explanation, recovering from strange operations with seemingly no purpose, many of which involve amputations and transplants

- Diary works on stabilizing the emergency cases and caring for the many patients in recovery, those waking up from their operations included.

- she knows there's something sketchy going on but isn't sure what to do, the surgery patients usually clam up once they're fully awake from anesthesia and when she tries to get information from the staff they just smile at her and tell her not to ask questions, 'everyone is being taken care of'

- is all about helping people. the main reason she hasn't taken her investigation farther is that she's afraid of being fired and won't be able to keep taking care of those that she can, but doesn't want to be complacent in anything worse that could be going on behind the scenes either. she's frustrated but refuses to give up on the truth, she's just.. kind of at a loss for now

- no formal training, just tons of experience and hands-on learning, with a good intuition and an iron stomach. (at this point, she's always seen worse or just as bad) she's great at what she does but can't save everyone, it weighs on her but she tries not to dwell on anything, saying it'd get in the way of helping the next patient and that positivity is key! could always use a hug, though

- soft-spoken, polite, and caring, very supportive and never gives up hope until it's well and truly over. not shy, she likes exploring the city and being with friends, and is a big movie lover; they help her go to a different place for a while so she can separate herself from the harsher moments of her volunteer job. takes on a lot of troubles so support from her friends is very important to her