Lydon Fisher



5 months, 4 days ago


SETTING: early 1800s inspired fantasy world going through the early stages of industrialization

Socially awkward nepo baby meets a mermaid boy his father would love to see on a chopping block. They fall in love, weird language-barrier inhibited teen romance ensues.
Despite being so awkward, he makes a lot of friends and is very well known. Hes got a bit of a tough face he puts up for work.

Thinks the mermaid boy is incredibly interesting and impressive, but didnt consider him a potential romantic partner. Still, they are VERY close and act like they're in love (cuz they are) and mermaid boy actually thinks they're dating/married (his culture is different in that stuff!) SO they're very sweet. They have never kissed. That doesnt get to happen until post-war..

Acts like he's dying when he gets a cold
Puppy eyes when crying (looks like a creechur)
Likes nature
Plays piano
Dislikes getting in the ocean, works with boats/fishing literally every day.
He wants to go on a big sailing boat, not a fishing boat. Alas, it wasnt meant to be!
Enjoys mystery and adventure novels, especially of children running off and living on their own
He'd like to write stories but doesnt believe he's made for it
Loves exilharating experiences (hence the classic teenage rebel tattoo)
Very loyal and family oriented! Lives for livings sake and to see others' stories play out