


5 months, 24 days ago



All Pronouns but mostly likes she/her

Demon Serpent/lamb/Goat


6'1 ~ 6'9 (neck fully up)

She is Cursed/Damned: Nothing ever satisfies her leading to anxiety and low self-worth

Aglesssd...but mentally like 45ish years old

Envy is apathetic and very emotionless...  She always looks bored or unamused.. Invidia‘s a bit sadistic, as she likes seeing others‘ misfortune and pain.  She has no problem with lying to others, but doesn’t like being lied to at all. 

 She’ll occasionally break her normally stoic demeanor to lash out at others Especially if they try to act smart with her...but he’ll try her best to reprimand for her actions....she’s literally the worst at doing it but...at least she tries. 

Envy  is pretty clever, and will apply those traits to solve problems.  Granted, her methods of problem solving may require undermining others and other questionable acts.  But she’s still good at it.  Despite her bitchy exterior, she does care about her friends to .  She may put her success first, but still supports her friends- Envy is also very possessive with items..she's steals from others alot mostly Sloth.

 She doesn’t like the idea of a friend preferring someone else over her.

Repulsed by mirrors. She gets really uncomfortable seeing herself in mirrors. If she sees her reflection in anything not a mirror, she'll be fine...just a little uneasy but mirrors...she can’t handle them...

leader of Demons under the Sin of Envy