


5 years, 9 months ago




This article contains additional images to further illustrate its subject. To view them, go to Nissa's Gallery.

RoleAlly[KH II]
Apprentice[KH BbS][KH 3D]
Title"Star-eyed Magician" (Info)
Home WorldRadiant Garden
WeaponGalaxia[KH II][KH 3D]
Neo Galaxia[KH III]
OriginKingdom Hearts II
Game(s)Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Kingdom Hearts II
Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts III
English Voice
Eden Riegel (Devola and Popola - NieR)
Japanese Voice
Reina Ueda (Mallow - Pokemon)

"Our stars may not be the brightest, but that doesn't mean we don't shine. After all, your light could still reach someone whenever they need it!"

Nissa is a resident of Radiant Garden serving as the apprentice of the sorceress Mimoza. When her homeworld fell to darkness, she was forced to flee, leading her to be temporarily separated from her family and friends. Due to the state of their home and then unknown state of her parents, she is taken under the direct care of Mimoza and raised as though she were her own daughter. Although admittedly not very bright, she holds a great sense of adventure and wishes to explore the various worlds to help hone her magic and gather keepsakes.

[ get ready for this girl to be a wip for a really long time while I try to refresh myself/do research/catch up ]

During the events of Kingdom Hearts II, she is 18 years old. She is 19 years old when she returns in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance. It is assumed she is to be 20 years old during the events of Kingdom Hearts III. In Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep, a 7 year old Nissa can be seen in Radiant Garden, most prominently during Aqua's route. She plays a minor role throughout these games and serves as a temporary ally in certain worlds.

In Hebrew, Nissa's name translates to "sign." This could be seen as a reference to Mimoza's description of her being "someone whose appearance can be considered a sign of happiness to come."

Journal Entries

Kingdom Hearts II

The apprentice of Mimoza, currently living with her mentor permanently. Although bumbling and prone to making mistakes, her heart is in the right place. While still in training, she has the goal to travel to other worlds in order to gather keepsakes to add to her growing collection, no matter the rarity or value. She seems to be very good at finding herself in danger, however.

It is said by many that happiness follows her wherever she goes.

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

A bright-eyed child beginning her training under the sorceress Mimoza. Curious in nature, she tends to ask a lot of questions and inquires to anyone willing to hear her out. She has a habit of squeezing herself into small spaces, making her quite difficult to find at times and worrying many.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

A blossoming mage, studying under her mother figure and master, Mimoza. Having progressed quite well under her teacher's tutelage, she goes from world to world in search of adventure and personal mementos. Still one for mischief, she does find her share of trouble wherever she ends up. However, happiness is also said to follow.

Due to the return of her old friends in Radiant Garden, she seems even brighter than she already was.


Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep

Having just begun her studies under the tutelage of Mimoza, Nissa is often seen wandering around Castle Town interacting with other children or inside of Mimoza's Observatory. Spotted during Aqua's campaign, she states that she was separated from her friend when they were attacked by "some strange monsters." After being saved, she thanks her and exclaims how cool she thinks the girl is. Nissa asks her if she's some kind of hero, to which Aqua replies more with a "not really" in return. She eagerly tells Aqua her name, then telling her about her own studies under her teacher in hopes of becoming a mage herself. She says that she still has a long way to go, but she hopes to be as strong as she is when she gets further along. Aqua gives her a smile, giving her encouraging words to lift the girl's spirit. Touched by her words, Nissa proceeds to tell her that when she gets older she would love to be able to tell Aqua that she's become a master mage.

Before being able to continue their conversation, they are greeted by Mimoza, who was actually looking for said student of hers that had wandered off from her sights. She thanks Aqua for finding her apprentice, waving before guiding the girl off. As they leave, Mimoza offhandedly tells her to give Eraqus her regards as Nissa talks to her about her most recent adventure.

Between Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts

[ notes like always for now rip ]

  • ohhhhhh man times are tough
  • she was with Mimoza when everything started going to shit, so luckily she had someone to rely on because god she was terrified
  • they made their way to Twilight Town since Vardan was already living there
  • her brother lets her stay with them and they're like this weird happy family
  • there's a lot of talk with Nissa and Mimoza about her parents since she doesn't know where they are
  • and honestly she can't answer that question because she doesn't know and hasn't seen them either
  • it's about that time that she starts making cranes; Mimoza tells her the story that folding 1000 cranes would let her make a wish in the hopes that it would distract her for long enough; funny enough, it reminded her of the paper star legend her mother told her, so she warmed up to the idea pretty quickly
  • she finally did actually make 1000, only for Mimoza and Vardan to find out that her wish was that she would be a family again with her parents
  • needless to say, that wish didn't come true
  • but you know who did show up probably? Hanniel
  • she has some crafts that she made with Ienzo and looks at them a lot because she misses him too
  • that's where the stars come in along with the continued cranes, cause she thinks that maybe she could be given double the luck and maybe another wish to see her old friend again
  • after a while it just became tradition for her to take time out of her day to fold stars and cranes to the point where she could do them pretty fast

Kingdom Hearts II

  • still working some things out for what I wanna do rip
  • base idea is that they find her in Twilight Town surrounded by Heartless because she's good at getting herself into trouble
  • basically she left without telling anyone because she wanted to explore the mansion look for another memento to add to her collection
  • but she really didn't expect to get cornered and there were too many of them for her to deal with completely herself; she'd taken care of some but at the rate they swarm it really didn't last for long
  • bless you Sora for dealing with this girl they've been looking for her; also pls control your duck friend she didn't come here to get lectured
  • "you can count on me! just not with fire!" "okay! ...wait, what?"
  • you think this is stopping her from going anyway? hell no, she's dragging Sora, Donald, and Goofy with her because she has to commit crimes with a group

Blank Points

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam est sem, gravida at viverra quis, pulvinar vitae risus. Curabitur mattis orci sit amet nunc laoreet, eget commodo quam fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, purus sed facilisis tempus, magna mi mattis libero, non hendrerit tortor mauris id libero. Fusce id ligula arcu. Suspendisse sed sapien eu mi consectetur blandit. Proin tristique non ligula eget sollicitudin. Etiam auctor est nisi, eget euismod ipsum posuere sodales. Morbi vehicula velit in metus elementum, sed facilisis arcu commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

Nam imperdiet metus non ipsum bibendum, id dictum nibh ultricies. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam aliquam maximus massa, ut blandit massa accumsan sit amet. Mauris mollis laoreet euismod. Fusce vel tempus nunc. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus bibendum lorem vitae felis venenatis, vel euismod purus mollis. In a lectus eleifend nunc ornare ultricies nec eget enim. Maecenas suscipit velit volutpat eros congue laoreet. Nam aliquam leo et risus laoreet, eget pharetra arcu tempor. Integer lacinia sed dolor id semper. Mauris laoreet quam et tellus commodo, at interdum nisi varius. Nullam ut quam at nunc efficitur suscipit ut id massa. Aenean felis mi, gravida non vulputate vitae, ultricies nec ligula.

Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep -A fragmentary passage-

Nullam a imperdiet nunc, et dictum eros. Etiam porttitor tortor non aliquam iaculis. Pellentesque non lectus eu magna vehicula cursus quis in turpis. Mauris iaculis turpis nec enim efficitur porttitor. Aenean non dolor nunc. Aliquam sit amet tortor lectus. Ut finibus malesuada interdum. Maecenas eget metus sed purus tincidunt eleifend a at enim. Donec molestie malesuada volutpat. Sed vel tellus odio. Suspendisse finibus lacinia ex luctus rutrum. Donec convallis dictum mollis. Etiam lacinia mollis pretium. Fusce vel sem sit amet eros tincidunt tempor. Ut ipsum tellus, scelerisque pharetra vestibulum et, consequat a tellus. Duis iaculis rhoncus sodales.

Kingdom Hearts III

Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam est sem, gravida at viverra quis, pulvinar vitae risus. Curabitur mattis orci sit amet nunc laoreet, eget commodo quam fringilla. Pellentesque aliquam, purus sed facilisis tempus, magna mi mattis libero, non hendrerit tortor mauris id libero. Fusce id ligula arcu. Suspendisse sed sapien eu mi consectetur blandit. Proin tristique non ligula eget sollicitudin. Etiam auctor est nisi, eget euismod ipsum posuere sodales. Morbi vehicula velit in metus elementum, sed facilisis arcu commodo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


[[ notes here for now until i figure things out ]]

  • please save her she's literally a fucking idiot, so she has to have some things explained to her quite a bit
  • there's just a bit running gag of her fucking up every time she tries to use any fire magic; things just backfire explode back on her. Yuffie actually takes small jabs at her and says that it's because of how it fits her personality. but hey by 3D she mastered Zero Gravity and just yeets people into the air to show affection
  • very curious and adventurous, so she at least have the drive
  • talks with her hands hardcore, so she's hit people with her staff more times than you can count
  • actually gets bored easily, so she tends to wander; she can't really travel between the worlds as freely as she'd want to so she can get restless. like it's not that she can't, it's more that they don't trust her to pilot any Gummi Ship because she'd probably end up wrecking it
  • basically she borderline needs a chaperone unless she sneaks out
  • she is very serious about honing her magic though; she really does try her best and that's evident
  • is all in all described to be very positive despite her shortcomings
  • she's also incredibly talkative so please be careful
  • she can get really frustrated with herself because of how many times she screws up; she's kind of known as a bumbling mage initially, yet a mage she looked up to with all of her heart decided to take her in and become her mentor
  • honestly she feels like she owes it to her to not let her down or make her look bad
  • Aqua is a really really big role model for her
  • while she still has her quirkiness, she's definitely matured at least a bit by 3D and KH3
  • she's a very touchy person and sometimes doesn't understand the definition of personal space


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Kingdom Hearts II

Pro unum saperet delicatissimi ei, pro populo mentitum volutpat cu. Cu mei fugit mucius discere, te malorum conceptam eum. No eos natum platonem, mei utamur lobortis ei, eam ad alienum consulatu abhorreant. Dicat assueverit suscipiantur vis ex. Cu per minim iuvaret.

Kingdom Hearts III

Diam autem consequuntur pri in, in eos aliquam intellegat. Appareat disputando at nec, habeo debet posidonium ut duo. Ex pericula torquatos has.


Being a mage, Nissa's combat abilities heavily rely on her ability to use magic. She carries a staff that she utilizes to cast her spells to various degrees. Although not very well versed in physical combat, she can at least be seen using her staff to hit enemies to the best of her ability.

Keyblade Wielding/Weapons

In Kingdom Hearts II and Dream Drop Distance, Nissa is in possession of her personal staff named Galaxia, a galaxy-themed staff she uses to cast various spells. When a glimpse of her is shown in Kingdom Hearts III, she seems to still possess her old staff, but it is revealed to have been upgraded and re-branded as Neo Galaxia.


In nature with her character, Nissa's magical prowess by far exceeds her physical ability. She possesses a wide variety of spells, focusing primarily on offensive magic. Her most prominent and seemingly strongest spells are her Blizzard, Blizzara, and Blizzaga spells. Although she is in possession of Fire spells, during Kingdom Hearts II she has a chance to damage herself when casting Fire, Fira, and Firaga, being true to her in-game character. This is shown to be remedied in Dream Drop Distance, with her showing off a Fira spell without it backfiring. At this point, she has (apparently) mastered what she considers her "specialty": Zero Gravity, Zero Gravira, and Zero Graviga spells. While not being playable, she is seen to show this skill off during a scene.


Main: Nissa/Relationships



[ probably gonna fill this out with better notes lately, but everyone who knows me knows I love mages and if you think I'm not gonna make a mage then you are sorely mistaken friendo. also galaxies and space are 100% my aesthetic so she ended up being super star-themed. though the actual base idea was just literally a mage that's not very bright and messes up casing fire spells, but hey look what happened ]


Kingdom Hearts II
Theme - Nissa

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Theme - Nissa

Appearances in Other Universes

The FitnessGram Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal bodeboop. A sing lap should be completed every time you hear this sound. ding Remember to run in a straight line and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark. Get ready!… Start. ding


  • Nissa offhandedly states that she enjoys going to Timeless River just to "goof off" some days.
  • Despite how many people assume that her hair is dyed, it's actually natural.
  • Nissa apparently has a very decent singing voice. She can often be found humming or singing to herself while she works or travels.
  • Her favorite flowers are anemones, Canterbury bells, and gladiolus flowers.
  • A conversation she has with Lea seems to indicate that her parents are a bit of a touchy subject. Due to them not being seen or mentioned elsewhere as well as Lea's response to her avoidance, it is assumed that her parents were lost when Radiant Garden fell to darkness.
  • She is apparently incredibly bad at math.
  • Nissa is surprisingly good at origami and can often be found making paper cranes and, more specifically, paper stars. She plans to attempt to fill a jar with the origami stars due to a legend she was told of by her mother as a young child.
  • She prefers sweet drinks to most other things, often putting what is seen as an obscene amount of sugar in her tea.
  • Dialogue with Nissa in her room has her say that the paper cranes decorating her room serve as a reminder and that she "lost count after the wishing number." Diary entries can be found that states that she has been folding cranes since she was a young child in hopes of using them to wish to be a family with her parents again. The last entry by her says that while her initial wish didn't come true, she seems to have found a new family where she is now.

Profile by Erandia
Edited by Ziodyne
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