hello!! i have some mood boards n stuff on this profile!! :D thank you for the opportunity!!

id like one based off of douma from demon slayer :D! with red and black theme :]! I don't mind anything else :D! feel free to get creative :D!!

This is so cute .... I have two ideas for the song

Either island in the sun by Weezer or deep in the ocean by lemon demon

OMG your art is so cute!!! Feel free to do whatever you want with this!!

The custom would be based off of Dick Grayson/Nightwing from Batman/DC!!

- Anthro Black Dog (basically a German shepherd with longer fur! You can add your own touches!)

- Sort of cocky but can be humble at times

- incredibly flexible, used to work in a circus as a child

- wears costume when out on patrol (you can find his costume by looking up 'Nightwing' lol)399ad50f9fc3d8f3c605d9a420f2ad39.jpg?ex= 


MY WEAKNESS I physically cannot pass up the opportunity to do a nightwing custom :'3

Aww I definitely gotta doodle you smth🫂💗

OH MY GOSH IM SCREAMING ???? the way you drew kylo makes me wanna squish his little cheeks <3333, TYSM! I will have to get you back for this >:33


These are super cool I’d love to get one if you have time/my idea inspires!! I’d prefer anthro! Crows are just for flavor since ur doing kitties

-Crazy ass

-Makes mud pies, has stick castle in the woods


-Somg if that helps!


thanks again for the chance!!

Hehehe how about a little autumn leaf man? Likes picnics and making sandwiches for his friends

Have My current earworm too :)


OMG JACKRABBIT ALBUM/vvpos I think I'm going to do this but I wanna make sure, are you okay with bug features? (Like centipedes and moths) :3

I love bugs very much!! So yes!!

Thank you so so much!! :D!!! I really appreciate it!


NPPP! so happy you like em :DD

If these are still open I would freaking adore one 👀👀 Would probably be asking for something backrooms themed-

Perhaps a character themed around Level 0.5 “Chaotic structure”


Probably made from a brunch of floaty blocks or something like that?? If you decide to do this go crazy and have fun with it 🫶

Alternatively something meatcore? Or poolrooms themed!

HIII HELLO!! THANK YOU FOR THE CHANCE :D I think a character based on this song would look super cool! No pressure ofc >:3

I would love a space or ocean themed character! It can be anthro or feral, I don’t have a set species in mind and I’m not picky they can be based off this https://pin.it/2Upd6563r or any album by 6arelyhuman! Ty for the change


I would lov a bluey inspired custom :stares: /nf

can be any species but pref puppy, cat, fox or wolf :33 /nf 

O also pref anthro but u can mak em feral if u want :3 /gen /nf

But tbh anything and everything is all up to u /gen

Cuz Gwah I lov ur stuff sm HOLE MOLE /pos

do lmk if this idea isnt what u would wanna make tho cuz I can change it :3 /gen

humanoid-ish flat face anthro ykyk kinda like the first two examples, tropical axolotl design. can be a chimera axolotl! can have sea animal themed accessories like manta rays, turtles, fish, stuff like that. oversized hoodie/sweater/jacket. leg warmers and shoes





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Tysm for your submission!! I love your concept <33 I currently don't have coms open since I need to get my page ready and I need more example art but I hope to open my coms soon :3

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Thanks you so much for the opportunity :3 ! I  would really like a fluffy feline based on this moodBoard ^w^


hii i love your art and this is very kind of you to offer for free ❤️❤️ could i get an anthro design inspired by either this pinterest board or the album figure 8 by elliott smith? thank you for the opportunity!!

I would love to get a human or anthro cat/wolf themed around space/the stars/the moon, maybe with song themes from love mine all mine by mitski? :0

an anthro based off of this moodboard !! preferably feline :3 thank you so much for the opportunity!

I would like them to be an anthro cat or raccoon!! 

The moodboards you're free to pick are <<  This and this !!! :3 >> 

Your art is very cute by the way!

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I'd love an anthro cat inspired by the cat keyboard, moodboard in IC!!


i thought i'd leave silly ideas here

anthro bunny like this

possibly themed off of this moodboard

or an anthro tiger themed off of this moodboard :D

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anthro cat based off of bread :3


oml,,.,., OKAY OKAY idk if there's requirements but,, ermTHXYOU..,. White n blue anthro/furries ,, they like have chainsaw,, and empty headed but is slightly violent , it likes sushi ermm, pls help me i cant explain whzt you picturing also THANK YOU AGAIN HRHR

This mood board anthro :0

ty for the opportunity!! 

kitty boio who likes crochet! could be anthro or feral, up to you, thank you for the chance :3

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two ideas :3
a feral character based off the song fairy of shampoo by txt! or some sort of warrior cat character!! 

tysm for the chance ^^!

Plenty of moodboards here! :]

Would love anthro or humanoid

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Hallo, I would like a smol mushrooms or/and rainbow theme with any specie, thank you for opportunity weee

Got too silly


Omg!!! They're so very silly <3 I love it ehih


if u could do a sweet little anthro inspired by of sothorita or sylveon that'd be amazing!! pref feline or a bunny :33 i js like pastel and simple/cute designs!! :DD 

tyty for the chance!! i love ur art!!

an anthro themed around this mood board would be sick, thanks for the chance :)


Food themed customs! Moodboard/ inspiration


Rghrgrhrhh here's some mood boards,,,

Your designs and art are absolutely adorable omg!! I'd love to submit one ^^ 

How about a character based on Tulin from The legend of Zelda, Tears of the Kingdom?

You can take total artistic freedom and do whatever you like best!

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OH MY GOD TYSM FOR THE OPPORTUNITY!! it would be … like … so cool …. if you made an Anthro based off mettaton ex from undertale? Not mech, but just..silly robot Anthro? Maybe a deer?

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Ahh, I'm sorry! My tos is a wip, but if you have any questions I'm happy to answer! <33

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That's okay! :3

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