


6 months, 13 days ago


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25 . male . he/him

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【 钩吻 】

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name Chomei · 長命 · 长命
alias 龙头 · 那位大人
height 177cm
age 25
specie Human (with snake atavism)
nationality Chinese
role Servant · Leader
affiliation Awawa · Dokuto-do
demeanor Calculative
va -

Live everyday as if it is your last.

On the surface he calls himself Awawa’s personal servant. He is extremely devoted to Awa, willingly dropping even the most important meetings or leaving in the midst of any fights to rush to Awa’s side when called.

However privately, Chomei is the founder and leader of the largest and most powerful Chinese mafia group in Japan. Single-handedly, he has crushed multiple syndicates and organisations engaged in human trafficking and other illegal activities, particularly those owned or affiliated with Chinese companies. Despite his formidable influence, Chomei avoids involvement in foreign affairs as much as possible, firmly believing that native groups can handle their own problems.


Positive Loyal / Clever / Resourceful

Neutral Adaptable / Observant / Pragmatic

Negative Opportunistic / Sly / Cunning

A perfect opportunist who views outsiders as tools and is willing to use any means to achieve his goals. Emotionally shallow, rarely showing strong emotions outwardly, he wears a smiling face when dealing with others. When not smiling, he gives off a chilling sensation to the target and those around, as if they are all being targeted by a predator. Occasionally, he makes small jokes to help people relax, as he knows that it can lower their guard. Extremely rational, almost completely devoid of emotional attachment unless it's related to his master, he wouldn't hesitate to destroy the empire he has built from the ground up if it ever gets in his way. His personality can be aptly described as the personification of a snake—sly, cunning, and striking at the precise moment. Chomei excels at taking gambits and weighing his chances, always finding the most beneficial solution and achieving the best results even if it goes against the odds.

Due to his dislike for trouble, he only has three trusty subordinates that practically runs the group for him, all of whom are without attachments to any living person and willingly entrust their lives to him for him to use as tools, staying extremely loyal to Chomei.

Before being picked up by Awawa, he relied on imitating others to learn how to communicate and interact with them, such as how to please (or threaten) adults. As a result, he has a strong learning ability and can adjust his attitude towards others based on the situation.

When with Awawa, he treats his little master (very double standard) with the utmost enthusiasm, often making Hikaru feel like he has 2 pet dogs (Chomei and Asagohan). Mentally and physically, he heavily relies on Awawa, always finding various opportunities to latch onto him as it helps with his mental stability and to absorb his warmth due to his low body temperature. If he doesn't get to see Awawa for a day (even if it involves illegally taking pictures), he experiences withdrawal symptoms, becoming much scarier to his subordinates despite still smiling on his face. If there are any "guests" visiting on a day, he would be less patient than usual, and if he doesn't find something valuable to him, the negotiations often end in failure.

While immersed in mafia affairs, Chomei presents himself as a seemingly cultured man who occasionally extends a helping hand with a smile to those in dire straits, only to unhesitatingly discard them after extracting their utility. He fosters an atmosphere where others are encouraged to share their grievances with a nonchalant "Tell me if there's anything bothering you." Despite finding their troubles somewhat tedious, he conveys agreement with a puff of smoke, uttering phrases like, "That must be really uncomfortable." When guests can only afford a small sum for his assistance, he maintains a sly smile, yet impatience lurks beneath as he questions, "Huh? (Is it only this much?) Huh? Huh?" implying a perceived lack of value in his eyes and a dwindling patience for unworthy entities.

If the person brought into his presence is unable to provide anything he deems useful but still holds some potential, he may ask them to choose a side (join his group), maintaining a smile while exuding a palpable sense of fierce aura and oppression. However, if the individual is deemed entirely useless, rejects the offer, or remains silent to his inquiries, he refrains from direct aggression. Instead, he opts to toss a bullet into a glass wine bottle, symbolizing the disposal of those he views as trash and worthless objects—no need for his gun against mere minions. This concludes their fate as inconsequential in Chomei's eyes.


  • Hobbies include anything retired asian granddads likes to do - chess, cooking, art/ calligraphy, strolling across the city etc.
  • Can play any traditional chinese instruments;
  • Incredibly good at cooking and calligraphy.
  • HIS MASTER ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Warm weather
  • Napping under the sun
  • Cold days
  • Trouble
  • Mafia work


Awawa Hikaru
Precious and treasured master. Chomei is willing do to anything and everything for him.

Character Name
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Character Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Character Name
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


designer : @ cccaco_p

snake · skull · gelsemium

  • Long brown hair loosely tied up, with a stripe of golden locks draping down his face on the right side, characterises Chomei. His right eye is a bright purple, while the left eye is a yellow prosthetic.
    A stripe of multiple 4-pointed stars shaped scar travels vertically down his left cheek, starting from the eye frame and ending just past his chin. Most of his fringes are brushed to the left, semi-covering his left eye.
    Chomei have a natural split tongue since birth.
  • The only jewellery he wears is a matching pair of red tassel earrings with an antique coin connecting the piercing and the draping tassel.
  • He has multiple tattoos across his body; only his hands and feet aren't covered in them. The most prominent tattoo that can be seen when he's clothed is a large skull tattoo covering the entirety of his neck, along with heartbreak grass tattoos on his exposed skin on the arms.
    These tattoos serve to conceal the numerous old scars on his body from his past in the underground arena. The majority of the tattoos are a combination of the four-eyed snake, skulls, and heartbreak grass.
  • He commonly dresses in Chinese-styled buttoned-up high collar shirts and cardigans, paired with matching trousers and shoes.
    Most of his commonly worn clothes are black with gold embroideries of the heartbreak grass woven onto them.
  • During the daytime, he often keeps his eyes closed to avoid bright light, which can cause irritation and tearing against his will.

Story I.

Born with abnormalities, Chomei faced a challenging start to life. His parents, unable or unwilling to care for him, sold him off. Subsequently, he was brought to Japan by a trafficking group and thrust into an underground arena.

Underground Arena:
Children are coerced into engaging in battles against opponents that range from kids younger than themselves to adults, animals, and beasts. A fight is scheduled for each individual every third day, and multiple battles can occur on the same day.
The winner earns an extra day of rest and points based on the audience's bets, which are added to their account. The loser, as a punishment, forfeits one of their eyeballs, rewarding the victor. Therefore, each child has only one spare life before losing both eyes and being disposed of. In special circumstances, highly popular participants may opt to sacrifice one of their limbs in exchange for an eye.
Once enough points have been amassed, they can be redeemed from a list of rewards. The most coveted reward is a one-day outing, but achieving this requires meeting additional criteria—a consecutive winning record of 100 battles, in addition to accumulating a near-impossible amount of points. 】

Chomei escaped at a given opportunity where he was let out on an outing through exchanging for the highest reward although being guarded and shackled with electric tracking bracelets to prevent them from escaping, which he broke free from and knocked the guards out before jumping on the back of a truck and zoomed away

Upon reaching Kyoto, near the central district, Chomei deemed it a safe location. He scavenged for survival amidst food scraps, utilising his adept skills in hiding, camouflage, and discrete movement. His combat experience from the arena proved valuable in evading unwanted trouble and assisting others, but only when there were benefits for him.
[^ this is also where he started making a name for himself amongst the homeless and street kids ]

However, this lifestyle became increasingly unsustainable, especially during winter. The cold weather dulled his senses and caused fatigue, hindering his ability to sneak around and find sustenance. Consequently, he found himself sleeping more and more, even during the daytime.

On a snowy day, Awa discovered Chomei half-asleep, leaning against an alleyway wall on his way back to the car from practice. The boy appeared excessively thin, with exposed skin bearing old scars. The left side of his face was entirely covered in bandages, and he wore mismatched, dirt-covered clothes, looking disoriented. Despite hesitations about bringing him back suddenly, Awa ran back to the car, instructing the driver to buy food and warm clothes. The confused driver compiled, and Awa returned with the items.

Approaching Chomei, Awa placed the food near him. When he tried to put a jacket over Chomei, despite his suboptimal condition, Chomei instinctively reacted, swiftly putting Awa on the ground. Initially scared, Awa observed that Chomei wasn't exerting strength and noticed his single eye struggling to open. Despite the awkward position, Awa wrapped the jacket around Chomei, gently pushing him back against the wall and arranging the clothing items. Chomei gradually regained consciousness, opening his right eye to see Awa caring for him. Awa, seeing Chomei more awake, asked him to wait there again tomorrow at the same time, promising to bring more food. Chomei didn't respond verbally, but Awa believed he heard and agreed.

The next day, the snow had stopped, leaving accumulated snow everywhere. Awa went to the alleyway, hoping to find Chomei, but no one was there, and there were no footprints. As he was about to leave, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning around, he saw Chomei, now wearing the clothes he left him, with only the upper half of his face visible under the high collar, holding the convenient store bag that had been folded into a tiny plastic square. Awa noticed Chomei's unique pupil shape but found it cool. Surprised to find Chomei a head taller than him, Awa handed him a new bag of food, instructing him to meet again the next day.

As Awa attempted to leave, his hand was grabbed by Chomei's cold, rough, bony hand, feeling something like plastic placed into his palm. Chomei gently curled his fingers around the foreign objects, whispering a faint "see you tomorrow." When Awa turned around, Chomei had vanished, leaving only a single pair of footprints in the snow. The wind began to blow.

Awa returned to the car and opened the gift left by the stranger. It was a folded plastic bag, and through its semi-translucent material, he noticed something shiny reflecting the light from the car window. Unfolding the square, he discovered a piece resembling a scale of unknown origin. The scale was nearly transparent, displaying rainbow colours when held under the light, ever-changing as it rotated. He cherished it but wondered about its origin. Once home, he carefully placed the gift in the nicest-looking jar. Attempting to fold the plastic bag back into a square proved futile, prompting him to decide to ask the other boy about it the next time they met.

Days passed, and each day Awa brought a new bag of food to the alleyway. The other boy would appear, exchange food, and give him a new plastic bag square along with a piece of scale. Gradually, Awa sensed the other person becoming more comfortable with his presence. Occasionally, the boy would open the food on the spot, and when he took a bite, Awa could see his single eye squinting up as if he were smiling. Sometimes, small flowers were tucked in the square along with the scale. Awa felt a sense of accomplishment as his jar collected more scales, but a sense of defeat at the pile of unfolded plastic bags he never got to inquire about.

After a couple of weeks, Awa's parents learned of his strange behaviour through the driver. When Awa shared the story, his parents offered support for any decision he made regarding the other boy. Touched and tearful, Awa returned to the spot the next day. The same exchange occurred, but this time, just before leaving, he clutched onto the taller boy's sleeve and bravely asked if he wanted to come home with him. Awa promised food, clothes, and a comfortable shelter, sparing him from wandering in the cold. Awa anxiously awaited a response, fearing denial. However, he felt a cold touch on his sleeve, gently releasing his grip, followed by another hand cupping his between the palms. The boy chuckled softly and urged Awa to open his eyes.

When Awa complied, he was astonished to find the other boy kneeling in front of him, hands over his own, the single eye no longer half-asleep but filled with reflection. The boy guided Awa's hand to his face, lowering his head and leaving a feather-like touch of his lips on Awa's hand. "I will forever stay by your side, master," vowed the boy. Awa felt a mix of confusion and surprise.

Deciding to accept everything as it was, Awa brought the still nameless boy home. His parents warmly welcomed the newcomer, treating him with kindness despite his abnormalities. They asked Awa to show the boy around, get him settled, and then they planned to have some get-to-know-each-other time after the boy felt comfortable. Awa took the boy to the bathroom and found some clothes for him, leaving him to get dressed. However, Awa was called back into the bathroom by the other boy's call for help. Through his tone, the boy seemed ashamed for not knowing how to use the bathtub.

Entering the bathroom, Awa found the boy sitting naked in the tub, holding his head low. It was the first time Awa got a good look at the other person, observing that the majority of their body was covered in both old and new scars, creating snarly lines across pale skin. Some parts of the skin looked more reflective, resembling scales. As Awa approached to guide the boy in using the bathtub, he was surprised to discover these unnatural-looking parts were indeed scales.

Noticing that the bandage across the boy's face was still there, Awa asked if he wanted to remove it. The boy hesitated and then said, “… please promise me you won’t freak out?”

“Promise, I won't.”

Taking a deep breath, the boy held his head low, allowing his hair to cover his face. Slowly, he guided his hand up to his face and removed the bandages. When he lifted his head again, Awa saw a scene beyond description. Instead of an eyeball, there was now an empty hollow in the eye frame. The skin around it had mostly healed, but patches of mismatching new skin revealed the extent of the injuries. A long vertical scar travelled down his cheek, starting from the bottom of the eyelid and reaching all the way to the chin, hidden just below it. Awa took a shaky breath to steady himself.
“That must have been painful. Do you want me to call the doctor?”

“Don’t worry, master. They have already healed now.”

“Can… I do anything for you?”

“… please stay here with me.”



  • they have the get to know each other time, chomei answers very well
  • they have the get to know each other time, chomei answers very well
  • Chomei is from China -> most of his future wardrobe is all Chinese styled
  • He speaks super politely

Parents finding out about the scar

  • Chomei tells them about his past and reconfirms whether they still want him here (yes Ofc 🙄)
  • Talks about his snake traits

Awa takes chomei to his room

  • shows him the jar of scales, finally got to ask him to teach him how to fold plastic bags. Chomei is in tears.
  • they sleep together because the guest bedroom hasn’t been cleaned out yet
  • chomei is very clingy in his sleep, his body temperature is also very cold (awa does not tell him about this)
  • Tbh I think they'd be sleeping together for quite a long time (probably until awa hits 10 and they move to Tokyo)

Story II. (wip)

Prosthetic eyeball (a couple years later probably 13-14ish)

  • chose gold because he likes the heartbreak grass/ half of awa’s hair is yellow

Tattoos and Chinese mafia (15-20ish)

  • Got some sick tattoos to cover his scars up.
  • Formed dokuto-do, very successful at crushing rivals and building his empire (awa doesn’t know about this bc he ran off to join a biker gang, he knows about awa tho, secretly getting ppl to protect him, the dude fucked up that day and led to awa injuring his right eye (chomei got very mad)‼️plot hole warning‼️)
  • Awa might have heard about the upstarting mafia group in passing tho but paid no attention to it?️)

The symbol of Dokuto-do is a four-eye snake adorned with three 4-pointed stars arranged vertically down the middle of the snake's forehead, accompanied by the heartbreak grass (gelsemium elegans).
As the largest underground Chinese mafia group in Japan, Dokuto-do is deeply entrenched in multiple factions, both on the surface and underground. The organisation engages in various illegal businesses, excluding drugs and human trafficking.
Despite its substantial size and power, Dokuto-do maintains a policy of non-interference in fights between Japanese groups. Rarely taking sides, the organisation consistently remains a neutral party and often acts as a judge in such conflicts. 】

(21 - now)

  • Awa returns to Tokyo, chomei is his biggest, most hardcore fan (even tho chomei sees himself as the servant)
  • He likes to follow awa around bc he doesn’t really need to stay at the base anymore, he leaves the work to his subordinates, and only shows up when there are very important meetings or fights, tho dokuto-do prefers the “non-violent” way of doing things (usually involving money, blackmail/ bribing, poison, assassination etc.)


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