


5 months, 10 days ago



Name Gosia
Age 150+
Gender Female
Height 5'10"
RACEHalf Tiefling/Elf
Sexuality Pan

❝ ...The only sound that will come from you is the thud of your body hitting the ground.❞

A jaded fighter wielding a blade from the hells. This half tiefling is quite used to letting her actions speak for her these days, however, when she does choose to let her voice ring, you should hope you are listening closely.


  • Music
  • Famliy
  • Horns
  • Magic
  • Cats


  • Devils
  • Roses
  • -
  • -
  • -




Born to a tiefling mother and high elf father, Gosia was named after the light colored eyes that bore her future to come, and the grey locks upon her small head. Poverty was well known amongst her family, the children often having to find work themselves. At a young age, Gosia and her siblings had come face to face with death, a rogue thief attempting to steal what little they had. Out of pure fear, magic flames burst from her hands and lit the intruder ablaze. After this encounter, she set out to practice this newfound power she possessed, both to protect her family, and to help provide for them.

Due to their circumstances, members of their family and community would often fall very ill, especially the young ones. Gosia would take it upon herself to try and aid in healing them, working at the infirmiry the children were often housed, even though she was still little more than a child herself. Her days were filled with distracting the children as she did with her own siblings, singing the melodies her mother taught her, and accompanying them with a show of magic she had been learning. The stories she weaved would lull them into a slumber... whether they awoke the next morning or not was a different tale. She sang her goodbyes to several of her own siblings in that ward, and when she had no family left to care for, she left.

As the last member, she decided she needed to live on, not for herself, but for them, to keep their memories alive. She made her way, slowly, to Baldur's Gate, the place her parents could have only wished to reach. Thievery and performing the very the songs and stories she had done for the children kept her fed and alive. As time went on, she would become more known for both her sorcery and her bewitching voice.

main story 

