valencia's Comments

valencia adoreĀ 

female (she/they)






people tend to see her as a loner as she tends to isolate herself quite a lot but she is very charismatic and is down to have conversations when she feels up for it

she tends to isolate herself mainly bc she is extremely sensitive to noise, even hearing others talking quietly can make her extremely uncomfortable and make her ears ring


despite her ears being extremely sensitive she is the vocalist for a goth band called NECKKISS, she tends to wear noise cancelling headphones when she performs but she is able to manage without as she is familiar with the noise and can also zone out while she is performing

she is also a piercer when she isnt doing shows (she doesnt like large tours so few, local shows are usually what her band does) and has done all her own piercings, currently her main piercings are her snake bites but she has had several piercings in the past - (if you draw her feel free to give her whatever piercings you want)

due to her not going out to social situations much she only has a few close friends (namely her band mates) but she loves her friends dearly even if she comes off a bit cold