


6 months, 9 days ago


Member of the seven Demons of Purgatory, ranked 5th

He represents the Sin of Envy

His Aspect of Envy causes people who get caught in his storms to be driven mad

He can bend water and ice to his will and can summon a hurricane to heal any damage to his core, and vastly increase his strength, allowing him to take a large leviathan-like form

He is unable to fly, which lowkey irritates him, but can “swim” through the sky during a storm

He can also move his core freely through his body of water 

An ancient water demon who’s body has been reduced to an orb by an ancient hero, he turned to using his water manipulating powers to create a body made of water to get around

He deeply misses his old body and is envious of those who still has theirs (which is pretty much everyone) to the point that wherever he goes, he will send down a cursed rain that will cause everyone caught in it to go mad

he wishes to posses a new body, but cannot take just any one as they would immediately explode under the pressure of his raw power

He seeks one that can not only withstand his power, but one that will never perish as his old body did

he doesn‘t really talk much