


9 months, 14 days ago



he/him. vengeful. self-protective. apathetic.
Basic Info

Name Asterot
Nickname -
Pronouns He/Him
Age Ageless
Height 6'3"
Class Hero/Holy Knight
Crest Major Riegan
Designer Badking

     An ancient dragon whose travels have spanned the world over, returning to his homeland for the first time in centuries. Asterot's spilled blood all across the world, fighting for just causes - and partially to ease the boredom of immortality. Over the years, he's been nearly everywhere but Fodlan, his homeland. In the attack on Nabatea, Asterot was captured. He believed someone would come back for him. No one did. In the end, he fought his own way out and decided that he was the only one he could trust with his life. He's spent countless years honing his skills in combat, determined to let no one touch him again.
Despite his efforts to help humans in various conflicts, he doesn't really care for them. He struggles to connect with beings with such a short lifetime, and after meeting so many they start to blend together. He doesn't find them very interesting, and doesn't have much empathy for most humans. He's something of a war hero in many places, but he believes the reputation is entirely unearned. Once he returned to Fodlan, he was quite happy that no one seemed to know who he was. Unfortunately, the work at Garreg Mach requires interaction with many humans. He spends a lot of time evading students efforts to get to know him or study his sword techniques. Since his current work as "second in command" seems to be standing around and waiting for orders, he can't avoid all the attention and occasionally offers guidance to the students who are particularly pleading about it. It's a bit of a status symbol to have your combat training supervised by the mysterious mercenary.