


6 months, 5 days ago


  • NAME Umio Shibata
  • AGE 38
  • GENDER Male
  • SPECIES Wolf Boar
  • ORIENTATION Bisexual
  • BUILD Bodybuilder
  • HEIGHT 6'1"
  • OCCUPATION Club Owner
  • ALIAS Big Shiba
  • ORIGIN Japan


     Umio is a businessman at heart. He built his club from the ground up and named it The Sliding Pole. It's one of Japan's most popular strip clubs and is constantly getting business. He lives at his job but never fails to have a self-care day. He regularly gets acrylic nails made of real gold to match his aesthetic. He's wealthy and he wants the world to know. Talk about a showoff! 

    No one knows about his past and he never talks about it; it must not be important, but a wolf and a boar made him which is pretty astonishing in itself. He never used to play favorites until Tsubaki came along. Ever since she came into the picture he can't get enough of her shows, especially since she makes the most money out of all the other workers. 


     Big Shiba is a gentleman...deep deep under his pervertedness. Looking up skirts? Slapping a gal's ass? All things he has done and will do again. If anyone f*cks with one of his girls though, he will not hesitate to send someone to the hospital. He is confident in his abilities and will freely challenge new opponents. So...yeah he's a gentleman in his own way. Very protective of what is "his."

    Umio is a loud extrovert who makes friends with those in high places easily. He'll have them laughing in minutes. Talk about a people person! One thing that'll piss him off immediately is when masculine men flirt with him. He only has eyes for slim figures and hairy men are not one of them. 


     Umio is a VERY hairy guy from front to back. He slicks his bangs backward because they keep covering his eyes when they grow out. He is always lavished in gold and is constantly wearing different kinds of shades, even indoors. His clothes vary from Dad on vacation to sleazy businessmen. All of his jewelry is also real gold because he is just that extra. Big Shiba's eyes are also permanently yellow from years of liver abuse. His liver is now mechanical, however, the effects refused to leave his eyes. He never bothered to change it because he liked the gold-ish look. He is all about aesthetics.


  • - Gold gold gold
  • - M O N E Y
  • - Bar Fights (He always wins)
  • - Alcohol (The stronger the better)
  • - Feminine bodies

  • - Most men
  • - Losing money aka payday
  • - Men flirting with him
  • - Being underestimated
  • - Perverts (... hypocrite)



Tsubaki complicated 

Umio is Tsubaki's boss and puts her on a pedestal. They may have shared a bed once or twice, but no one knows. Shhh! She could get fired if word were to spread.

"Big Shibaaa, I'm running a wittle laaattee, forgive meeee?" - Tsubaki


Mori Acquaintance

Mori cannot stand Umio and how he displays Tsubaki for the whole world to see. He sees Umio as a threat, but Umio sees him as a friend of a friend.

"...Fine, Ill bartend, but...just don't hurt Baki...she means a lot to me..."



Coming soon