


6 months, 10 days ago


yes, sire.
Knight of Tuliptail

Name Flaxbreeze
Age 76 moons
Gender Cis Female (She/Her)
Species Blue Gray Tabby
Affiliation Bightclan
Role Knight
dedicated / dominating / strong-willed


0 moons - Flaxkit is born in a single litter, her mother, Garterglance, perishing in childbirth. Her surviving mother, Pollenprance, cares for her alone. Pollenprance is cold and unforgiving in the wake of Garterglance’s death.

4 moons - Pollenprance accidentally snaps at Flaxkit one day when the kit asks her a question about Garterglance. She begs for forgiveness, breaking her usually frosty facade and showing how truly broken she is. Flaxkit is uneasy seeing someone so strong broken by the loss of her lover.


7 moons - Flaxkit becomes a Squire and is named Flaxpaw, eager to prove herself to her Mother. Her Knight is named Witchdusk.

9 moons - Pollenprance disappears, never to be seen or heard from again. Flaxpaw figures it is from the grief of Garterglance’s death once more, combined with “losing” Flaxpaw to her Squireship. She doesn't know if her mother is alive.

12 moons - Having forced herself into her apprenticeship under Witchdusk, Flaxpaw no longer thinks of her mother as her guide, only Lelune.


13 moons- Flaxpaw becomes Flaxbreeze for her quick-like-wind style of fighting.

19 moons - Flaxbreeze wonders if she’s losing her mind. Pollenprance and Garterglance had already been married by her age. She looks into potential suitors, though her work takes priority.


34 moons - After many attempts at courting other cats, Flaxbreeze finally settles on Waxfreeze when he asks if she can give him a kitten. She can, so they start a partnership.

44 moons - Firkit is born. Whimsystar has his own firstborns as well.

49 moons - Waxfreeze shows up with another cat’s child, Canarykit, claiming it as his own. He states he was bewitched, and despite everything, denounces the kitten and begs for his place back in Flaxbreeze’s heart.

50 moons - Firkit begins to get closer to Canarykit, and despite how much Flaxbreeze hates the thought of another cat and her husband’s son being close to her’s, she does nothing to stop it.

51 moons - War is declared between Bightclan and Barachoisclan, but despite her busy schedule keeping the Royalty safe, Firpaw has an argument with Waxfreeze and publicly disowns his parents when she refuses to side with the young cat.

53 moons - Flaxbreeze is absent from Bightclan for many days or even weeks at a time.

56 moons - Witchdusk, Flaxbreeze’s former mentor, dies from complications with an injury sustained in battle. Flaxbreeze mourns in her own way - killing whoever did it.

58 moons - Her work is done, for now, as Whimsystar calls a truce with Barachoisclan.

71 moons - Canaryberry, her mate’s son, is found to have tried to run away with some stranger he’d been courting. Her son, the only one she’d ever had and will ever have, is outed as his accomplice, according to the royals. Flaxbreeze is horrified, her son outcast, and his son kept as a cleric. Loyal to Whimsystar, Flaxbreeze does nothing to support Firfur and instead acknowledges his crimes first. She still mourns him, as if he is dead. Canaryberry dies in his baptism, perhaps from the anger of Lelune herself.

76 moons - RP START


  • Order
  • Cleanliness
  • Fighting

  • Weakness
  • Disorder

Firfur Heretic | Son

Firfur and Flaxbreeze have a complicated relationship at best, and a horrible one at worst.

Tuliptail Prince

Her liege and charge.