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I'm sorry but no one interested me

But i can transfer the free one for ya

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omg i love this dude

i could offerrr 300 dA points :? 

so sorry i forgot the ping 🤦


Lmao , that's fine. Thanks for letting me know.

And yes , you can offer pts :]

My DA is nayna204


I can take the art, also Your art is sooooo pretty and cool👀✨❗

(Just tell me what Your prefer to draw like humanoid etc)

Auuh thank you sm ^_^ !! I prefer anthros but I can do humanoids or ferals too !


So.. lmk if youre okay with em :] And

They're really cool ! Yea I can draw em :] thank you !! I'll let you know once I finish to see if you'd like changes made or anything

1st full finished !!

All done !!

Waaa! Tysm✨

I'll sent em rq👍

1 Replies

Ngl , i like your artstyle so much. 👀❗💖💖

And the characters i'm interested:


(All of them are obviously my dreamy wksnsksnsk✨)

Ahh tysm!! 👉👈💞💖

And I'm totally down to trade all them! The art amount is about the same between them, but I don't mind drawing a bust as well since it'd be a 4-to-5 way trade? ^^

Trade is enough for me, but if you want to add art, that's no problem <].

(1 bust is reallyyyyy okay!)

Cool okay that works for me! You want the characters to go to your main right? ^^ I'll start sending them there!

And if I were to draw you a bust, which character would you want me to draw? ;D

(Honestly, I'm not happy if this burdens you, but if you want to make it , You can draw her (she's ez)

Also , Will send the Bean rq :]

1 Replies

No , and someone already take em. Sorry buddy <'3

Your good! thanks for letting me know! :]