
5 months, 25 days ago


basic info

  1. name: Iris
  2. age: 30 smth
  3. species: average elf (like middle class elf, can sorta do magic)
  4. gender/pronouns: female she/her
  5. sexuality: straight 
  6. occupation: formerly farmer and a number of other things 
  7. birthday/sign: May 13th (Taurus)  
  8. S/O: Biota 
  9. alignment: lawful good 
about her and such 

Iris is an old farmer born about 4,000 years ago. Shes kindhearted, shy, and very sweet. she loves being able to help others whenever she can and is very much a people pleaser woops.

She grew up in a very sexist village and was forced to do a lot of the work in a lot of the areas (mainly farming but she cooked, cleaned, sewed clothes even) as mean as people are, she enjoys her work, so she doesn't complain all that much.

she used to work on a whole entire field of a number of crops (even flowers she has planted herself for fun) but wheat and cotton were the main things planted, but she has smaller things in different sections of the farm.

her bosses and others around her were very abusive (physically and verbally) especially her dad. her dad wasn't ever as bad till after Iris's mom died when she was about 12.

so she had to deal with all of that until she met her future lover when she was i think mid twenties (and ruler of the overworld, yes the whole overworld 💀) while they were checking up on their village seeing if they were doing a well enough job. they came across her working in the fields, started talking, and Biota grew fond of her and they grew closer.

whenever those two became like official, Biota took her away from that village and had her live with them.

they got married and Iris lady got pregnant :) and actually almost had a child till she didn’t.

she sorta kinda did get murdered by a bloodthirsty demon while Biota was away so 😕 and she was weeks before giving birth too

BUT she comes back eventually (lady got reincarnated along with the baby)  she came back as a deer teehee 

that’s about it for her
